Shopping trip

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Levi caught Eren by his locker. "Brat!" He snarled slapping the boy hard on the ass. Eren yelped and nearly jumped inside his locker.

"Wh, what?" He asked rubbing his stinking ass cheek. Levi pressed him up against the locker, kissing him as others milled around. There were a lot of gasps. Girls burst into tears as they saw this. Levi pulled back.

"You didn't wait for me." He told Eren.

"A, Armin, was w, with me." Eren was a blushing mess. Levi's smirk slid across his face.

"I don't care, you wait, at your class until I get you. Understand?" He asked. Eren nodded. "Good." Levi bent to kiss Eren's neck. He sucked the flesh into his mouth, biting it just hard enough to make the teen moan. The girls who were still standing around staring at the hot new guy, started yelling at them. One came up and was about to slap Eren in the face.

Levi caught her arm. "I wouldn't." He warned.

"Let go." The girl snarled.

"Mikasa, it's ok." Eren pried Levi's fingers from the girls wrist. "Levi is my boyfriend." He told her.

"You're parents know about this?" She demanded.

"Well, not exactly..." Eren muttered. The girl, Mikasa rolled her eyes.

"If they ever come around, they are going to be so pissed." She snorted.

"Why?" Levi asked. "Just because their son is into guys? Do they not have eyes. Eren doesn't hide the fact he's gay." Levi stated.

"More like that she is too." Eren muttered. "Levi, this is my adoptive sister Mikasa. She and her "friend" Annie have their own place." Eren rolled his eyes.

"Watch his back, Levi. You just put another target on it." Mikasa turned to walk away.

"LIATEN UP ALL YOU BITCHES!" Levi bellowed. "EREN YEAGER IS MINE, SO FUCK OFF. ANYONE WHO TOUCHES HIM, WILL HAVE TO DEAL WITH ME!" He snarled. Eren and Armin had both covered their ears.

"Fuck you're loud." Eren hissed.

"Not as loud as you while I'm banging that ass." Levi winked. Eren blushed. Armin giggled nervously. Levi wrapped his arm around Eren's waist. He pulled him in tight to his hip. Kissing his temple, they walked out of school.

"Armin, this way." Levi called when Armin headed toward their usual bus. "We're going to the mall." He reminded the blond.

"I, uh, I don't..." Armin glanced at Eren.

"Didn't ask if you had money. I'm buying." Levi said. To Eren and Armin's shock he strolled up to a black town car. A man stood outside it. When he saw Levi, he opened the back door.

"Master Levi." He bowed. Levi stepped aside telling Armin to get in first, then Eren, Levi climbed in last. Armin sat facing them his back to the front of the car.

"This is cool!" He giggled.

"Yeah, my Uncle is loaded." Levi sounded bored by this.

"Then why do you ride the bus?" Eren asked. Levi smirked.

"I wanted to be a normal boy." He turned to face Eren. Catching the small pointed chin in between his thumb and finger he added. "Besides, how else would we have met?" he kissed the upturned nose. Eren blushed. Levi snorted. The ride to the mall wasn't long. The car dropped them off at the main doors. Levi told the man to be back in three hours. The car drove away as Levi walked into the building holding on to Eren's waist.

"It's your party, where are we going first?" he turned to look at them. Eren laughed. Gripping Levi's hand he and Armin took off running. They went from store to store. Armin was hesitant to pick out anything at all. Eren knew a few things about his best friend. One he didn't like hand outs, ut he loves to shop. Plus they both shared a love for pink.

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