Back to school

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**warning attempted rape, sexual abuse**

Monday. Eren woke to his alarm squealing. He slapped a hand on it. Levi had smashed it yesterday now it sounded horrendous. At least it still worked. Eren rolled over. Since the night of his "punishment" Levi hadn't tried to have sex with him.

The small ravenette had stayed with him up until dinner was cleaned up last night. A car had pulled into Eren's drive. A stern looking man had knocked on the door telling Levi he was needed. Levi told Eren to get his school work done and the he would see him at school.

Eren had worked until almost midnight getting all of his assignments caught up. He hadn't gotten to bed until one. He had picked out the best outfit! With a giggle he bounced from the bed. He texted Armin.

"You promised!" The blond had agreed to wear an outfit from what Levi had picked up for them at the mall. Eren knew, Armin had a habit of changing his mind at the last minute. He laughed at the text he received back. He could see Armin's nerves in it.

"ya, yeah." Who stutters of text. Eren chuckled jumping up to get in the shower. He came out and got dressed looking at himself in the mirror he was sure to turn some heads today!

He wore a long green shirt with a pink tank top underneath. Little would anyone know, but he had on pink panties too! He giggled at that. The shirt went down past his thin waist. Here he had affixed a wide black belt with silver chains running through it. His legs were clad in black tight leggings. On his feet he wore his black converse. He snatched up his fake glasses. He liked wearing just the frames some times. They made him look adorable! He put them on under the black brim hat he had on. His fringe of bangs just poking out under it. He smiled.

Rushing down stairs he pulled out just enough money from what his mother left him, for lunch today. He snagged his usual pop tarts and picked his back pack up on the way out the door. He skipped down his driveway. On the sidewalk he did a little hop before heading down to meet his friend. Eren froze. Armin stood in their usual meeting place. The boy looked nothing like himself.

Blond, blue eyed, Armin was cute. Today he had brushed his hair to flop over one eye. He wore his glasses too, unlike Eren, Armin actually needed them. Eren saw the skinny black jeans the other had on, under a pink sweater. He hung to just above his butt. Eren noted he did have a blue button up on underneath. He was sure so that he could take the pink sweater off if he felt uncomfortable.

"Oh my god, look how adorable you are!" Eren squealed pouncing on the teen. Armin shoved him off.

"Stop you're going to crush my breakfast." Armin rescued his pop tart. Eren laughed at his friends blush.

"Today is going to be great!" Eren declared. It started to go down hill when they got on the bus. Walking to the back, trying to find a seat, Eren frowned. Levi wasn't on the bus. Reiner snatched his bag up from a seat behind him and Bertolt.

"Hey, bitches, we saved you a seat. Your body guard isn't here today." The blond made a frowny face, rubbing at his eye as if he were crying. Armin looked down.

"He's meeting us at school." Eren said as brave as he could.

"Oh sure." Bertolt nodded to Reiner. They laughed. Bertolt swung around the seat to sit beside Eren. Armin was pressed against the window. "Mmm, you even smell good. Liked sucking your cock. Maybe today I will get to feel how that tight little ass of yours fits on my meaty dick!" He cooed as he wrapped his arm around Eren's shoulders. He forced the kids head up. Eren tried to pushed away, but Bertolt mashed their lips together. He rammed his tongue into Eren's mouth. The boy gagged but Bertolt didn't stop. His free hand reached between Eren's legs. He squeezed the head of Eren's dick. The boy squirmed crying into the dark haired males mouth. Bertolt stroked Eren. He pulled away after a minute.

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