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Kenny looked up at the blue house with white trim. It looked cute in its cookie cutter fashioned block. He wanted to gag. It was horrendous that all the houses looked a like. This one, however, was different. This was the house where a certain love interest of his nephew had grown up. This was the house Eren had lived his lie in. The kid didn't even know it.

Kenny snuffed out the cigarette. He knew there was one occupant still inside the house. The guards he had placed to watch it had informed him no one else had arrived, nor had Grisha left. Kenny watched from a tree across the street. He kept hidden in the rich green foliage, sn over sized deadly bird.

Grisha Yeager. Kenny had read the report before leaving his home. He had known the other man for many years, but he wanted to see what secrets his trusted advisors had discovered. The leader of the Yeager clan was anything but proper. It wasn't Zeke he had hidden away.

Kenny had discovered that this house, this life of Grisha Yeager's was fake. The address was listed as belonging to Carla Merchant. Kenny discovered this was Eren's mother's maiden name. She had never moved it out of that name when she married Grisha.

They married when Carla was nearly six months pregnant. The couple had been together for some time before this. It looked like it had taken the young woman a long time to get pregnant. She had been blissfully unaware of who her lover was.

According to the official report, Grisha Yeager was married to Dina Yeager. Who had previously been a Reiss, thus combing the two clans. They lived a lavish live style on the eastern seaboard. This was the heart of the Yeager family. They had one child, a son. His name was Zeke. Zeke Yeager was expected to become the official head of the Yeager clan when Grisha saw to step down. On record with the clans, Zeke was listed as his sole heir and only child.

Dina, having been raised in the clans, knew all about the world her husband ran. She ran it right along side him. She raised her son to know just what it meant to be a part of the clans. To live the life of a Royal family. Zeke was the product of two royal families. Kenny found this interesting.

From everything he had discovered, Grisha had kept his two lives, or two wives, separate. As a doctor who was often on the road for some function or other, it was easy for him to hide the fact he had another family. For the longest time, Carla was nothing but a mistress to him. He hadn't even suspected her in wanting to have a child with him.

Kenny, knowing women, found this disturbing. He was sure after the first few years, and definitely after two years of living together, Carla had approached the subject. He knew she must have spoken to Grisha about becoming a mother and a wife. Since he had another family miles away, Grisha would have stalled Carla at every opportunity. Yet, at some point, he had to have given in.

The young dark beauty was nearly infertile. She had to undergo extensive treatments in order to become pregnant. She had been in this condition at least four times before having a successful live birth. Two of the other three times had resulted in miscarriages, one had been a still birth.

Thus, she would have sought even more help from her genetically inclined lover. Grisha would have eventually stepped in to oversee the conception and birth of his youngest son. All of this was speculation on Kenny's part. During this time, Kenny knew Grisha. He had only known him in the context of the family clans. Grisha, Dina and young Zeke. No one knew of the other family the good doctor had created. The son he had basically designed.

Carla was a simple person. She lived a simple life. Worked as a waitress up until she got pregnant. She took two years off after the birth of her son to marry and build a new life. When her young son was old enough to attend preschool, the dotting mother had gotten a part time job working as a secretary. She did this up until the night she showed her boss her book.

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