Sweet revenge

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⚠️ rape( not Eren or Levi) heavy smutt ⚠️

The room was dark. Not just dark but completely void of light. The man blinked several times trying to see if his eyes were really open. There was a noise.

“Are you awake?” a sick purring whisper came from off to his left. He felt the pain of a cigarette being put out on his ass cheek. He screamed. The sound was muffled. He flexed his jaw. It hurt. There was something hard in it.

“Don’t worry, we are going to have a fun time together.” Something hard smacked his ass. It hurt he yelped. It had hit right over the spot where the burn was. Another smack this one caught his ball sack. He screamed again. “You see, you stole one of my subjects. You fucked her, had a child with her and left it here for me to deal with.” One more smack this time directly to his balls. He yelled. Ackerman! He screamed the name inside his head since he couldn’t say anything. He recalled how the clan head had barged into his home and had his goons take him away. How dare he. Did he not know who he was! He was Grisha Yeager clan head to the mightiest clan their was! He would topple… The screamed tore from his throat.

Something hard was shoved deep into his rectum. He screamed as the pain flooded him. “Oops, forgot the lube. And that little runt was busy so didn’t get him in here to stretch you. My bad.” Kenny laughed. Grisha was in pain. What was in his ass? He tried to shift to find a more comfortable position. All the movement did was make the intrusion hurt more.

“Now. We are going to have some fun. You see, my nephew likes your little queer boy. Did you know they were lovers. Eren has been fucked in the ass by my blood.” Kenny’s insane laugh filled Grisha’s head. What the hell was going on?

“You wanted him dead just because he was into boys. Well, so am I. Then I discovered little Eren was born in my territory. He came from the womb of one of my subjects. So, therefore, Eren is mine.” A loud sharp slap hit Grisha’s back.

“Now for the fun.”  A light blossomed. It was a head lamp that Kenny wore. He knelt down in front of Grisha. Holding one eyelid down he squeezed something on it. He pressed it open. Held it there for a count of sixty. He counted out loud for Grisha. Grisha glanced around to see what he could.

He was tied to a wooden saw horse, two in fact. One was under his chest. His arms tied to the legs. The other was under his hips. His legs were tied down, spread apart. He was naked as far as he could tell. Kenny glued his other eye open.

“The show is about to start. I can’t wait. Levi knows about this room. He knows I watch him when he has a client. He doesn’t know we are in here now. He doesn’t know I have you tied up and we are going to watch him fuck your son!” Kenny tapped his finger on Grisha’s nose. The man tried to close his eyes. He couldn’t. Kenny laughed as he screamed. “Nope, no looking away.” He chuckled.

“Now, let’s see. I think something fast and hard will get you in the mood.” Grisha heard some buttons clicking. The thing in his ass pulled out. It slammed back into him. It speed up in and out faster and faster. It slammed hard into his virgin ass. Grisha screamed from the pain. He bucked trying to get away from it. Kenny sat down on his back. He smacked him in the head.

“Now none of that. This is my best machine. I can even control the size…” Suddenly the thing ramming his ass grew. It stretched Grisha open. The man screamed again trying to get the sadistic prick to stop.

“AH I think that is good.” Light came from a large glass window. It showed another room. “Ooh, the show is about to begin.” Kenny clapped his hands. He turned so that he was sitting on Grisha as if he were on a horse. Grisha felt something flop onto his back. When he realized it was the Ackerman’s heads naked cock he cried out.  The pain from his ass was bad enough he didn’t need this asshole jacking off to kids fucking!

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