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It was lunch time and Reiner was gnashing his teeth as he glared over at Eren. "That little fuck was mine." Reiner snarled.

"Relax, we will get him." Bertolt laid a hand on the blonde's arm.

"The Yeager clan head gave him to me." Reiner hissed. "That fucker's virginity was to be mine. He wanted me to make him hurt!" He growled.

"What kind of father does that?" Connie asked. Sasha, the new girl who had been on their bus that morning walked by. She smiled at Connie giving him a little wave. As she turned her back she wiggled her ass a bit. Connie bit at his lip.

"The kind who doesn't want a faggot running the clan." Reiner hissed.

"Yeah, but he isn't the crown prince. Eren is just ..." Bertolt shrugged.

"Fodder for the fucking?" A voice asked. The boys looked up. Jean, smirked at the handsome man standing there. "Has Grisha even named his successor?" Marco asked.

"Like he will name that twink ass whore!" Reiner snarled still glaring over to where Eren sat. The teen in his girly sweater was leaning his shoulder against the Ackerman's crown prince. Marco dropped his tray beside Jean. He had been talking to the kid throughout the day.

"So, you're with what clan?" He asked. All eyes turned to him.

"How do you know about the clans?" Reiner demanded.

"Oh, I grew up knowing about them. Come from a long lone, shall we say." Marco grinned wickedly.

"They..." Jean indicated Reiner and Bertolt. "Are with the Zachary clan." He said. "Connie and I are sort of..." He paused.

"We were servants to the Ral clan. They were forced to disband last year." Connie hissed.

"Oh, yeah I heard about that. Wasn't Petra going on and on about how she was going to marry Levi?" Marco bit into his sub.

"Yeah, while Levi was digging up dirt on her. I can't believe she thought she could out smart the prince of hell." Connie laughed

"Uh, she was your princess." Marco stated.

"She was a bitch who slept with any guy who could stand her smelly crotch!" Jean sneered.

"Still a virgin then?" Bertolt teased. Jean threw a carrot stick at him.

"If you're from different clans, why are you hanging out together?" Marco turned the conversation back to what he wanted it. He needed to get the information for Levi.

"We scooped them up." Bertolt smirked. "Gave them a place to belong." He added smiling at the two teens. Connie looked away, Jean hung his head.

"They have dirt on you?" Marco guessed.

"Not really." Jean muttered.

"Ah, I see now. You guys will just make shit up if they try to leave." Marco laughed. He leaned into Jean. Pressing his shoulder hard against the others he eyed Connie. "The Ackerman clan only date within their members." Marco stood up. "You don't have a chance with her, not when you're licking their balls." Marco walked away. He hip checked Moblit to squeeze in beside him and Sasha. She turned her doe brown eyes back on the other boy. Connie smiled. Sasha tuned away.

"If that's true why is their Crown prince fucking with a Yeager?" Reiner demanded.

"New blood." Bertolt stated. "The Ackerman clan is dwindling. They need new blood since they do only marry within their clan."

"So, they fuck their sister?" Reiner laughed.

"No, but we would fuck yours." There was laughter as two more people walked by. Reiner blinked. Who were they?

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