Tell Me About Your Day

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//Hey ya'll, sorry about the title change if it confused you, but I think I like it better short. Hope you guys like my new cover though. Above is my old one. RIP, babe, you'll be missed.

Remember to comment and vote. Leave me suggestions and tell me what you guys think so far. Love all you lovelies to pieces.

Kristie and I had almost every class together, so she basically stuck by my side the entire day. It actually was somewhat bearable with her there.

She sat next to me on the curb as we waited for our rides. The sun strained itself to send the last bit of summer our way. Wind blew my hair in my face viciously.

My entire day consisted of trying to pretend the stares didn't bother me. But I had to admit that more of them were sympathetic than last year. I would only say that there were a few people left who still thought I was a disgusting creature straight from hell. That was only because no one exactly knew what had happened. According to everyone else, I was not raped three years ago. In their heads and through their whispers they have concluded that the baby happened because of alcohol, which was partly true because Nick was drunk, but completely false at the same time because I was not which turns the story in a completely different direction.

I always find it funny how people assume I wanted to bring this upon myself. Yeah I had a boyfriend who took me to a party, where everyone else in the class went, where I wasn't even drunk, and purposefully wore a short dress that I wore because I liked the pattern of it just for the sole purpose of getting raped by a good guy with drunken intentions and getting pregnant with his child so I could raise her on my own. Totally.

Thankfully Kristie hadn't asked too many questions about the whole thing until Sam's car pulled up to the curb. I hopped up as Kristie glanced at Sam. She stood up as well and said close to my ear as not to shout, "Is that... him?"

I smiled and shook my head. Sam got out of the car and captured me in a bear hug. I hugged him back and breathed in the smell of old spice. This caused a couple stares from people in the parking lot. That was when I realized that he was purposefully making a scene of it all so that everyone would be jealous. Well played.

I remembered that Kristie was still there and I stepped away from his hug, but he kept an arm tight around my side. "Oh uh, Sam, this is Kristie. Kristie, this is Sam." Kristie gave an awkward wave and Sam gave her a small smile.

"Oh, well I was just asking her about the father of her baby." Kristie admitted which made me cringe.

Sam wasn't offended in the least, "Oh Nick? Yeah, he's a good guy."

"So he's a Nick then?" Kristie asked me, making me cringe again. I nodded. A small car pulled up behind Sam's. "Well, uh, that's my boyfriend, so I'll see you tomorrow then."

Boyfriend? The girl had just moved here... how? I was actually slightly impressed.

Kristie turned around as if she had forgot something, "You should let me come meet the... 'fam' soon, okay?" I nodded. Great.

Sam and I got in the car after she had driven off and he took me to a run-down building with flashing neon lights in the windows. There was barely anyone there and I was suddenly confused as to what we were doing. Sam had a grin as he pulled into the parking spot closest to the door.

"What-" I asked before he cut me off with an answer.

"Well, it's your first day of senior year and you made it through the day without dying, so maybe you'll be able to make it through one hour of roller-skating with me. Plus, it gives you a chance to tell me how your day went." Sam smiled at my horrified expression.

I had only been roller-skating once and it had been a disaster. It what I did on my very first date. A nervous Nick had come up to my friends and I and asked me out. The next Saturday his mother had driven him and I to a roller-skating rink and dropped us off. He was so nervous that he kept tripping over his own feet and knocking me over. I had no idea how to even stand up on skates and it didn't help that he barely knew how either.

But it was something about the way he tried to apologize and how cute it was when his hand trembled when he got close to me that made me want to give a second date a try.

I felt my stomach twist in knots as Sam rented me skates and handed them to me. He seemed very confident about it all and didn't seem to take any notice of my utter fear.

Once he had laced his skates and I had fumbled with mine, he took my hand and pulled me along with him and the other people in the rink. My knees wobbled beneath me and my hands shook, but he still took no notice of me. He seemed to be in his own world, with the only thing tying reality to him being my hand in his.

I felt the floor move faster beneath my feet as he started to pull me faster. Fear bubbled in my throat and I could feel my feet giving way beneath me. That was when one of the wheels caught and my hand pulled away from Sam's forcefully as I crumpled to the cold floor. My hands flew out to catch myself, but there was suddenly a flash of pain shooting up my arm. It took me a second to realize someone had ran over my arm. They were currently hurrying off to avoid confrontation.

Sam turned quickly and flew to my side to help me up. "Come on. A little fall can't be enough to make you quit now."

The pain in my wrist said otherwise. "Please, Sam, I just really need to sit down."

"Aw come on, Brin." Sam whined.

A flash of annoyance sounded in my voice, "Sam please." Sam sighed and helped me over to a bench. I checked my wrist and winced when I had barely made contact with it. Tears sprung to my eyes and I knew that I needed to get it looked at. Sam looked bored. "Uh, Sam? Can me to the hospital. I just want to get it looked at, okay?"

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