The Next Step

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Hey babes. So In case you didn't read the last chapter or just didn't notice, I'm going to continue this story with a TWIST that will probably make all of you hate me forever and ever. But to do so, I'm making a SECOND BOOK called "HEALED" which will cover what happens with Brin after she... no I'm not going to just give the ending away. Just hang in there with me for roughly three more chapters. The book will be available soon so just KEEP AN EYE OUT FOR THESE ANNOYING AUTHOR NOTES. love you guys so much.

"The party has begun!" Nick yelled as he walked through the door to Sam's house. "Merry Christmas everybody!"

I groaned and sunk my head into my hands. I had been dreading his arrival for almost twenty minutes in silence. Now everyone seemed surprised of his sudden appearance. Sam stood at the sound of his voice. I noticed how his smile faded into a frown, his good mood dissipated. He placed himself in between Nick and I as if protecting me from Nick's presence. Nick obviously didn't remember what had happened the last time the two of them had been in the same room together. I cringed at the thought.

Wanting to avoid another fight, I tugged on Sam's hand. The glare in his eyes softened and he slowly sat back down beside me, but the frown remained on his face. I kept my hand in his and I moved closer beside him.

The two of them reminded me of dogs. Each of them fighting for dominance. As stupid as it sounded, it made sense. It was easy to see that Sam felt threatened by Nick as if he were trying to steal me away from him in some way. Sam just wanted to see that I was completely his to keep another fight from breaking out. Though I was still angry at Sam, I knew what I had to do to prevent another black eye from finding itself with my daughter's father.

I mentally took a deep breath. Right when I knew Nick was watching, I nearly toppled over Sam and planted my lips on top of his. He seemed startled, but realized what I was doing quickly and played into it with more courage than I could conjure up with everyone staring. He still tasted faintly of Listerine. I really really hoped Nick was watching. Someone from the other side of the room whistled, but I couldn't tell who it was. I could feel the blood rushing to my cheeks.

Sam was fully aware of what he was doing to Nick and his... passion that came with it made me smile. But when I pulled away, not only was everyone staring awkwardly at the floor, but Nick had barely acknowledged our presence. He had Ren in his arms and two neatly wrapped presents tucked under his arm. I swore in my head. But Sam had not yet given up.

"We should open presents now," Sam spoke while tightening his arms around me. I was well aware of how low his hands were, and I tried to swallow my discomfort the best I could, burying my face into his chest and breathing in the familiar old spice scent that always seemed to cling to him.

Kristie cleared her throat and spoke, "Yeah. Sam, you're the host. Do you want to start?"

"Sure," he said as if he hadn't been angry at Nick not even thirty seconds ago. Nick played with Ren, bouncing her up and down on his knee. She giggled like it was the best thing in the world. Sam kissed my forehead before standing up and grabbing a handful of boxes and resuming his position by my side.

Kristie got the first present. I tasted bile building up in the back of my throat as she gloated and tore the paper off of the box. Since when did he give her presents? She giggled when she saw what he had given her. Next was Sam's friend. He got a framed picture of the two of them from freshman year. Sam's blonde hair was wild and longer than it was now, and he had to have only been 5'4." It was easy to say that he had changed quite a bit since then.

We got through a few more gifts. There was a new doll for Ren (as if she needed any more of those), Cook got a gift card to his favorite diner, but there was still nothing for me. I didn't want to admit I felt kind of left out, but I wouldn't dare to mention it. So George, thankfully, mentioned it for me. "Nothing for you're girlfriend, Sam? Harsh."

I pursed my lips and waited to hear his explanation. Sam just grinned down at me, his smile from earlier completely returned along with my suspicion. "Oh. Trust me. I wouldn't forget. I'm just going to save the best for last." My heart sunk in surprise and I swear I caught Kristie smile.

Naturally, from there, it took forever to get through everyone.

Nick gave one of the presents he held to Ren. It was a new dress, pink of course, with a multitude of sparkles and lace. Ren was more than ecstatic when she laid eyes on it and insisted on trying it on then and there. She twirled around and ended up in my arms with me in Sam's.

Sam frequently kissed my hair and the edge of my jaw whenever he saw Nick looking. His smile so easily emanated to me and I was caught up in is whirlwind of joy, excitement, and pure and utter revenge.

Kristie gave her presents next, followed by Cook. I was soon after. I had gotten George the expensive hair gel he used a lot yet couldn't afford to buy much of. I had gotten Kristie a Polaroid camera I had picked up at a yard sale a while back. I gave a new football to Cook along with advise to have a little bit better aim from now on. Lastly, I gave Sam the tie that Ren had helped me pick out. He seemed more excited about it than he probably should have been, which resulted in another awkward make out scene for the rest of the people in the room. This time, George made a vomiting noise from by the tree.

I knew right away that my present wouldn't amount to what he was about to give me and I was completely and entirely correct. My present seemed more than pathetic compared to the little box sitting vacant and alone under the tree. The little box was placed in my hands by Kristie. My heart sunk when I realized that due to the size of the box, Sam had gone mainstream and bought me jewelry. I was largely flattered, but slightly annoyed that he spent all his money to buy me...whatever piece of jewelry lay there waiting for me in the box.

 I tore of the paper slowly as if savoring it. Eyes bulged from everyone else as they saw what was underneath. There was a silence that hung in the air as if they were all waiting for it to explode. My heart sunk yet again to find that the box underneath the paper had the emblem of an expensive diamond store. I couldn't believe why he would spend so much money on something I would probably rarely even wear.

I looked up into Sam's anticipating eyes. I could swear I felt his hands shaking ever so slightly. "Sam, you really didn't need to pay so much money. I—" I tried to finish but he cut me off.

"Just open it, Brin."

I looked down at the box and gulped hard. I flipped open the top slowly and froze. I just stared at it. That was all I could even manage to do. The silence hung even thicker in the air and you could almost feel the breaths of air being sucked in. No one was able to react.

I could hear the blood pounding in my ears as I studied what sat there in the small box. It was silver and quite obviously expensive enough to pay my rent for a year. A fat diamond sat on the top, catching the light and stunning me like a possum in headlights. The ring sat there in the folds of the fabric, making my head spin.

My fingers trembled dangerously and the box fell from my fingertips to the floor. I couldn't even react then. But that was when Sam did. He dropped from my side to the floor and picked up the ring from where it had fallen. When he rose, he rose on one knee. My heart stopped then and even the blood pounding in my ears went deaf. Tears sprung to my eyes and I didn't even have to the will power to keep them from falling.

Sam held up the ring in some sort of grand gesture. I could see his fingers trembling as well. He laughed nervously before he spoke. "I told you I saved the best for last, didn't I?" There was silence. "So, um, would you maybe do me the unprecedented honor of marrying me?"

I looked up at the faces gawking at us around the room. Kristie nodded in encouragement. Ren and little Sam sat there confused at the sudden silence. Cook looked like a mixture of surprise and confusion. George grinned as if he knew all along, which he probably did. Then there was Nick.

Nick's expression was heartbreaking. Every emotion he had held in about Sam and I since he had gotten here was present. His eyebrows were tilted down in sorrow and he stared me in the eyes with a look one might wear when his side of the battle had been lost. His eyes diverted down to the present still tucked under his arm. That was when he stood and walked out without a word. The front door slammed behind him with a force that made my head spin yet again.

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