Playground Intrusions

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I was seconds away from getting out the door when a car pulled up in the driveway. I groaned to myself and stepped outside. I had to get to the playground because Sam was waiting and I didn’t have time for Nick and his questions. I made my way to him with Ren in my arms and watched as he stepped out of the car.

“Daddy.” Ren squealed which made Nick smile and sent a wave of nausea over me. Ugh. Ren squirmed from my arms and ran over to Nick who crouched down on his haunches and held out his hand to give Ren a high five. Ren smacked his hand as hard as she could with her tiny fingers. She laughed as I came up behind her and picked her up once again.

“Hey.” Nick said casually.

“Uh, hi, can I help you?” I said with the slightest bit of acidity in my tone.

“Actually you can” he stated. “I was kind of hoping to spend time with Ren today.”

I laughed sarcastically at him. “Actually we’re headed to the playground so maybe another time.” I started to walk past him towards my car, but he stopped me.

“Okay I’ll come with.” He smiled.

Ren squealed in excitement before I could protest.


I saw Sam’s car already in the parking lot when we pulled in. He’s not going to be too happy about this.

I let Ren out of the car and she made a mad dash for the slide where Sam played. Nick followed me close behind as I made my way to my usual shaded bench. Sam stood up when he saw Nick as if he was worried that something bad had happened.

“Hey” Sam said as I approached. He put a forced smile on his face. I turned to see Nick nod in Sam’s direction. Sam did not respond. Crap. That was when Sam did something completely unexpected. He stretched his arm around my waist and pulled me to his side. His hand was lower than I should have been and he seemed to be fully aware of it.

I gave a small gasp in surprise, but neither Sam nor Nick noticed my uncomfortableness.

That’s when it hit me: Sam was trying to make Nick jealous. I smiled then because of how cute and cliché it totally was.

Sam and I sat down, and I decided to let him have his fun. I was angry at Nick for coming and I wanted to make him regret it. I tucked my feet under me and curled up against Sam’s chest, breathing in the smell of old spice. Sam reacted instantly and put an arm around my shoulder. Sam was having immense fun with this and even started stroking my hair.

I looked up to Nick to see his reaction. He wasn’t even paying attention to us. He sat down on the bench next to me and sprawled out, keeping his eyes on Ren. He looked completely comfortable and had no problem whatsoever with Sam and I.

Ren ran over then and grabbed Nick’s hand. She started pulling him to his feet. “Come on. Come play.” She said squealing.

“Alright, alright” he said reluctantly as he went with Ren to the swings. I watched Nick closely as he lifted Ren into the seat and started to push her. He pushed slowly at first, but Ren wasn’t too happy about that. She begged him to go higher and he pushed her harder until Ren was satisfied. She giggled madly and Nick had a wide smile on his face.

“So if I may ask, what’s Nick doing here?” Sam asked after a while. He watched Sam carefully as she got in the swing next to Ren and started to swing by herself, trying to get as high as Ren was.

“I’m not exactly sure. See, he and I met up and talked like I told you about, but ever since he’s been dying to spend time with Ren. I guess he just wants to see what he missed out on.” Sam seemed to relax a little.


Nick held a red crayon in his hand as he helped Ren color in the princess on Ren’s kid’s menu. Sam and Sam had headed home after they got their food. Something about taking his little brother to some other kid’s place. This just left Ren, Nick and I.

“Hey, Brin, I was meaning to ask you something” Nick said once the princess’ dress was completely colored in.

“Go ahead.” I said, bored as I awaited the burger that was cooking as slow as ever in the kitchen.

“I—I…” he stammered, “was kind of wondering what you thought about… uh… split custody.” 

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