Broken Wrists and Mockery

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I was slightly pissed at Sam as he drove me to Nick's. The doctor had said my wrist was broken and that I had to wear a brace for a while. Sam looked annoyed that I had cut our date short as his top lip curled slightly and his eyes stared unmoving at the road ahead. I wondered quietly if something else had happened before.

The very second my fist had made contact with the chipping green door, it opened to reveal Nick's worried green eyes staring down at me. “Nick, I’m so sorry for being late. I should have called or something. I uh…” I held up my wrist to explain and shrugged.

Nick’s eyes only became more concerned, “Wh—” he tried to ask before Sam cut him off.

“We were at the roller-rink and she fell.” He said from behind me, leaning bored against the door frame.

We were almost four hours late due to the long line in the emergency room. I could feel the worry practically emanating off of Nick as he sighed and said, “I thought something bad had happened. I’m just glad your… somewhat okay.” He gave a small crooked smile while gesturing to my brace.

I smiled back and stepped inside. I called for Ren and she came running from the bedroom with a large grin on her face.

“Was she any trouble today?” I asked Nick as I picked her up. Nick shook his head no.

“That reminds me,” Nick said as he started putting Ren’s things back into her bag, “how was your first day?” Sam still leaned against the doorframe.

“Oh, well, it was better than I expected it to be.” I admitted. “I’m just ready to go home.”

Nick laughed. “Kind of miss that feeling. Kind of miss school, actually. Hey, mind if I take you to school tomorrow or something so I can drop by and see what I’ve missed the past couple years?” Nick had an excited look in his eyes.

I had just opened my mouth to say something when Sam spoke for me, “I’m taking her tomorrow.” The way Sam had spoken sounded acidic and seemed to be a product of slight jealousy. It made me angry how he was being odd lately and I couldn’t help but say something.

“Since when, Sam?”

“Since now.” Sam snapped back at me which surprised me a little. Nick faded awkwardly into the background.

“Listen, Sam, I have a car, okay? I can drive myself. I don’t need a babysitter like Ren does.” I quickly grabbed Ren’s packed bag and said a quick goodbye to Nick, promising to drop Ren off before school. Then I rushed past Sam, leaving him standing there in the doorframe.

I had to carry Ren carefully in one arm, and I suddenly regretted my decision to walk home.

When I had gotten about a block away, Sam’s car pulled up beside me. “Come on, Brin. Please get in the car. I’m sorry.”

It didn’t take much pleading for me to get in his car and let him drive me home. In fact, I probably made it too easy for him.

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