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It was important she didn't swim in it, or she'd lose the hole and god knows what would happen then. Biting her lip, Adora reconsidered. Nope, it was too late now.

Her fingers numb from the cold, she absentmindedly grabbed a fallen tree branch, getting on her hands and knees to break through the thin layer of ice. Luckily it'd only been snowing for the past week or so, the ice wasn't even thick enough to stand on. Adora had to spread her limbs out to avoid just falling in.

"Holy fuck, you're insane."

Catra breathed from behind her, but Adora didn't turn to face the others. At least she knew she had back-up in case things went...south.

The surface finally cracked, and Adora gasped as her hand fell into the icy liquid. It wrapped around her skin like a claw, as if pulling her under. Adora had to look down to check that an animal hadn't grabbed hold of her, but no, it was just the water. With a deep gulp, Adora pried off her boots and hoodie, preferring to get less warm items of clothing drenched for when she had to hike back up the hill to return to the house. She gently slid her legs into the small hole, cringing at the icy claws grabbing up at her. Catra was right, she really was insane.

Carefully twisting and lowering herself into the water, Adora dunked her head, hearing the last of her friends' cries as she fully submerged into the freezing water. Her entire body numbed as she swam back to the surface, searching for the small opening that she'd gone in


Her hands met a solid wall of ice, ice that seemed a lot thicker when she was underwater compared to being on the surface. Pounding on the cloudy wall, Adora struggled to hold her breath, opening her mouth and exerting her energy on trying to get her friends' attention. Why did she feel a random urge to prove herself? Why was she such an idiot? The banging slowly became weaker as she drifted in and out of consciousness, the black lake beginning to fill her....

Adora woke to attention as the ice split open, a hand grabbing her around the waist and pulling her to the surface. She reached for air, gasping as her vision faded in and out. Her savior pushed her onto the icy surface, and Adora kept gulping down deep breaths, trying to get air to fill her lungs again. She wiped the water from her eyes, looking down to see Catra heaving herself out of the water, also breathing deeply. Adora began to speak when she realized she couldn't move her mouth. She was completely numb from the lake. Catra pointed towards the nearby land, and Adora understood, carefully shifting herself across the ice.

"Oh my fucking god, oh my fucking god!"

Glimmer was practically screaming, her face red and splotchy as tears ran down her cheeks. Adora nearly collapsed into her, Glimmer bearing most of her weight as she struggled to get to the house. Adora was shaking uncontrollably as she staggered, her limbs still unfeeling and weak when Glimmer wrapped a blanket around her. She didn't know where Catra was, and it was eating at her.

"Cat-Ca," she stammered as Glimmer flicked on the automatic fireplace.

"Bow's with Catra."

Adora burrowed deeper into the blankets, Glimmer saying things she couldn't hear.

"Adora! Take your clothes off."

Adora nodded, beginning to take her shirt off and tracks, Glimmer helping her redress herself and wrapping the large fluffy blanket around her once again.

"You scared me to death, don't you dare do that again!" Adora was barely processing her words, still thinking about the feeling of hands wrapping around her and pulling her body up to safety. Catra, she needed to see Catra. A distant bang sounded somewhere in her head, and the door opened short after, featuring a frozen Catra also wrapped up in a blanket.

The girl tackled Adora to the floor, their blankets wrapping and tangling them together as Catra latched onto her.

"What the actual fuck was that?"

Her voice was strained from the cold, but Adora managed to hear her.

"I tried to get her to change first, but...."

Adora peeked behind Catra at Bow and Glimmer who sat by the piano, watching them fondly.

"Don't you dare scare me like that again!"

Adora softly shushed her, hearing the rasp in her voice as she struggled to speak. Catra obeyed, staying silent but unyielding to leave Adora's side. Bow eventually managed to get her off for enough time to change into dry clothes, but the two sat by each other for long minutes as they thawed.

"Why did you do that?"

"Why did you dare me to do that?"

Catra rolled her eyes, rocking into her with a nudge. Adora laughed, almost rolling over to her side if it wasn't for her balance.

"I didn't think you'd actually do it. I just wanted to see you take a shot for chickening out."

"That backfired."

Catra chuckled.


"Are you feeling warmer?"

Bow and Glimmer approached them with two steaming mugs. They definitely did not need half an hour to make hot chocolate, but Adora ignored that fact. Adora clutched the mug like it was a lifeline, the steam instantly warming her face.

"Thanks, I needed it."

"Don't you dare think of doing something like that again, or I'll personally drown you in the lake."

Adora would've laughed if it wasn't the spark in Glimmer's eye. That girl did not look like she was joking.

"I don't know what possessed me, sorry guys."

Bow sighed, moving to sit in front of them.

"Don't be sorry, just don't do it again."

Adora nodded at his words. Whatever that weird impulse was would have to be swallowed down. Glimmer yawned, resting her head against the piano which prompted Adora's eyes to move to the clock.

"It's nearly morning, we should go to bed."

"Are you two thawed enough?"

Glimmer already looked ready to pass out, so Bow asked the question for her. Adora still felt stiff, but both Bow and Glimmer were tired.

"It's fine. You guys go to bed, we'll go in a bit."

The pair nodded, getting up and softly closing the door behind them, leaving Catra and Adora alone with the fire as their only source of sound. Adora stared at the embers, wondering if she should speak the words in her mind.

"You know how you said Glimmer couldn't...replace me?"

"Yeah?" Catra's murmur was soft as Adora turned to look at her, the light of the flame coating her features.

"I couldn't replace you either."

Adora turned back and nuzzled her face in the fur, feeling Catra's eyes fall on her.

"Thanks, that...means a lot."

Adora nodded, beginning to feel her eyelids droop. The fire was almost like a spell, putting her to sleep...


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