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"Hey, DT sent me the audition script for Macbeth. Do you still want to do it?"

Adora paused on the sewing machine, mulling over Catra's proposition. On one hand she would probably find it difficult to manage exams with memorizing lines, but it was unlikely she'd even get the role. She might as well try, if she played even a background character or something it'd be fun.

"Sure, forward it to me."

"Cool," she turned around to Bow and Glimmer.

"I sent it to you as well. Sparkles, DT said they directly sent the info to you."

"Yup, they did. The set is going to look amazing, we'll crush Elite Prime this year."

She slowly crunched her hands together, a furious venom in her expression that slightly frightened Adora.

"Speaking of Elite Prime, we need to prepare."

"Woah, hold on. Who even is Elite Prime?"

Adora had heard those words floating around the school for a while now, and knew they were a rival boarding school on the other end of the woods. But she didn't really know why the two schools hated each other so much.

"The all boys boarding school, I swear they're all clones or something."

"No legit, they act like a pyramid scheme or something. They even tried to make Catra join when she scored the winning point last year."

"We are not talking about that." She turned to Adora. "It was really fucking weird. They even called me their sister."

Adora snorted, finding herself even more intrigued by this cult-like school.

"The fucking Principle, Horace Prime, keeps trying to take ownership rights of our school. It's driving Mom crazy."

"Wait, how can he even do that? Mom's held the school in the family for generations."

Glimmer shrugged at Catra's question, Adora finding herself just getting increasingly confused.

"Hold on, you mentioned something about preparing. What for?"

"Every year, you know we have an annual games tournament. Each sports team will verse their one. Like, for example, our basketball team will verse theirs. Whoever wins scores more points for their school, and at the end of the comp one of the schools win the whole thing."

"Speaking of basketball teams, have you heard back from Mr Hawk?"

Adora shook her head, putting aside the scrap piece of cloth she was working on. She'd tried out for the team barely two days coming into school, and it was now the end of the week and she'd heard nothing about the outcome.

"He said he'll tell me by Monday, but it's already Sunday so I don't think I'll get in."

Catra laughed, twisting herself on Adora's bed.

"Honestly, he probably forgot, remind him in your next class. The man would accidentally set fire to the school if Mermista wasn't around."

Catra wasn't wrong, both Sea Hawk and his brother had a certain affinity for flames. The last Salineas party had nearly resulted in the dorm getting burnt down, Double Trouble was loving it.

"Yes, but he's a hot man, so it works."

Glimmer shot a glare at Bow, who looked up with a bit of a guilty expression.

"Oops?" He shrugged, but Glimmer just shook her head slightly with a roll of her eyes.

"Great, the fucking dads want to see me again. They specifically invited you along too Glim."

The Brightmoon Institution (Catradora Boarding School AU)Where stories live. Discover now