Training and Tension

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"What if they don't like me?"

"What do you mean what if they don't like you, they already know you."

Glimmer was getting increasingly frustrated at Adora's obliviousness to everything around her, but Adora obviously couldn't help it if she was an academic dumbass.

"No, but they definitely don't like me."

Glimmer rolled her eyes, stopping Adora with her hands on her shoulders as they neared the gym doors.

"It's gonna be great, I already know you're gonna be the best one on that team."

"Awe, you think?"

Glimmer rolled her eyes again, Adora beginning to become jokingly offended by the repeated action. She'd already rolled her eyes about four times on the way from their dorm.

"Yes. I think. Now have fun, you're already late because your stupid poof wasn't perfect."

Adora laughed, waving goodbye to her friend as she pushed open the doors. Ugh, she hated meeting new people, or interacting with people she already kinda knew but didn't know, you know?

"Ah, Adora! Welcome lass," Mr Hawk called out to her with waving arms. Adora blushed slightly, raising her hand for a slight wave when she realized the entire fucking team was just staring at her late self.

"You don't wear team jerseys to training."

Lonnie looked at her (very judgmentally) with a flat tone, Adora feeling even more embarrassed when she noticed the training shorts and jumper everyone wore.

"Ah, no big deal Lonnie. Just shows she's getting in the spirit for Wednesday!"

Mr Hawk grinned openly at her and Adora felt a bit of knotted up tension release inside of her.

"Let's start with some warm up drills, Lonnie I want you to teach Adora as Team Captain."

Lonnie grumbled something under her breath that made Adora feel a bit sick. She already seemed to have one team member that didn't like her, and she was the team captain.

"Don't even think about stealing another thing from me."

Adora paused at the fierce look in her moss green eyes.


"Like you don't know." Lonnie scoffed, getting some equipment and tossing (violently throwing was a better phrase, Adora thought) the supplies to her. Adora didn't dare protest, deciding it was better to just muscle through Lonnie's anger than ask her what her problem was.

"So uhm, Mr Hawk said something about drills?"

"Like this."

Lonnie showed Adora a few moves, in such quick succession Adora could barely remember the first one.

"Got it?"

The question seemed rhetorical, but Adora was ready to ask anyway.

"Uh, what was the first move again, sorry?"

Lonnie over exaggerated a roll of her eyes, glaring at Adora as she did the move again. Adora was just plain confused, Lonnie had never expressed a stark dislike or hatred towards her when Catra did, so why was she so mad now?

Adora hesitantly followed, bending down on the ground to perform the exercise while trying to keep her gaze off of Lonnie.

"Do you have an issue with me?"

She couldn't help it, the girl was practically killing her with her stare.

"Nope, I'm fine."

It was such a clear lie, but Adora just decided to ignore it, somewhat glad she wasn't looking at her anymore.

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