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~Bucky Barnes POV~

'I'm going to kill Wanda and Steve...' I thought. I glare at Steve, "I oughta throw you off this balcony." I run my right hand through my hair in frustration. Steve sighs, "Sorry, Buck, but I knew you would like her. I just didn't realize you liked her almost enough to kiss her". I rotated my left arm, huffing slightly as I did. "She also just got out of a relationship," Steve reminded me with a pointed look. 

"I know! Damn it, I know Steve", I snap at him before looking at the city. "I hadn't seen you this crazy about a girl since before you got drafted," Steve says, leaning against the rail and looking at me. "I messed up, didn't I?" I ask, looking at him. He pats me on the back, "Nah, I would just take it slow. Get to know her more than one night, talk to her every day, ask her out, maybe?". I thought about it before nodding, "Okay, how do I ask her out?".

~Ophelia Miles POV~

I find Wanda chatting with Vision. I stop a few feet away and glare at her. Wanda looks in my direction and sees me before talking to Vision, who nods and begins talking to Thor next to him. Wanda walks over to me with a small smile, "I'm sorry honey, I just wanted to tell you that I know what Bucky thinks of you." I raise an eyebrow at her and tap my foot, annoyed, "You cost me an almost kiss from a gorgeous guy I've met."

Wanda groaned softly, "I'm sorry, but he likes you. Like man, that dude doesn't shut up in his head about you". I blushed a light pink, "R-really? And you couldn't have waited to talk to me about this after he would have kissed me?!?" I hissed at her. Wanda laughed nervously, "I missed you?". I rolled my eyes and sighed heavily, "I'm going to call it a night, Wanda; tell everyone I said good night."

"Okay honey, good night," Wanda said as I left the party and headed down the long hallway to my room. I unlocked the door and looked around; seeing it empty, I sighed in relief and closed it behind me. I locked it securely, changed into my pajamas, and removed my makeup. I plug my phone into my charger on my nightstand and go to brush my teeth for the night. 

When I return, my phone screen lights up; I walk over to it and read the notification. Zachary texted me a few seconds ago. I ignore it and get under the covers. My phone lights up again, and I turn my back to it. I can't deal with this right now. A knock on the door makes me raise an eyebrow as I look at it. "What the hell?" I ask myself as I leave the bed, ensuring I look presentable before answering the door. 

~Bucky Barnes POV~

Ophelia opens the door wearing a light grey matching set, a tank top, and a pair of sweatpants. "Bucky? What is it? Everything okay?" she asks as she leans against her door frame. "Yeah, no, everything is fine," I begin and see her phone light up multiple times. She follows my gaze and sighs, frustrated, "Fucking hell...". "It's HIM, isn't it?" I ask. She looks at me with a solemn nod, "Unfortunately, did you need something?".

My mind flooded with thoughts on how I could need anything from her and her only. I hold back my flirting; that's the last thing she needs right now. "I was going to watch The Hobbit and wanted to ask if you want to join me?" I ask and point behind me to my room. She looks behind her seeing her phone light up multiple times before walking out of her room and closing the door. She looks up at me with a smile, "I would be delighted, Bucky." 

I smiled widely and walked over to my door. "I-It's not bright; it's darker colors," I said, lowering my head slightly in embarrassment. I felt a small hand on my right arm, "I don't mind, Bucky." I nodded and opened the door, moving to the side, allowing her to enter first. My room had dark, charcoal grey walls and a lighter grey outline. My bed had grey sheets and a black comforter.

The tv was hung in front of my bed, where a couch was sitting. It was usually on the other side of the room, but I moved it earlier. On the coffee table in front of the sofa were candy, chocolate, popcorn, and sodas. I didn't know what to have or what she would like, so I got a bit of everything. The Hobbit title was on the screen, waiting to be pushed to play. Ophelia walked in and looked around my room in silence.

"This room suits you, Bucky," she says, turning her head and looking at me with a wide smile. I let out a small smile, "That's what I was going for, have a seat." Ophelia takes a seat on the far left side, which confuses me. "You aren't going to sit on the right?" I asked, closing my door. She shook her head, "I want you to put your arm around my shoulders as we watch the movie."

My smile widened, and I sat on her right and pushed play on the remote. She dug into the popcorn straight away. As we watched the movie, she fed me one piece of popcorn at a time with her right hand, which was cute. Halfway into the film, I put my left arm around her shoulders, and she leaned into my left side, catching me off guard. "Is this okay?" she asked as her eyes were focused on the movie.

"Without a doubt, Doll," I said, holding her closer. She smiled as she took a drink of her soda. After we finished the first one, a half-hour into the second one, she yawned. "Tired?" I looked at my alarm clock. In bright red numbers, it said, "2:50 am". "No, I'm not-" she yawned again, "Tired...". I chuckled softly and kissed her head softly, "Do you want to go to your room?".

"No, I want to stay here," she replied, causing my heart to speed up at her confession. "O-okay, you can stay here," I replied, and she snuggled more into my side before letting out a few soft breaths. Asleep already? It must be nice to sleep that quickly. I waited a few minutes before shutting off the tv and carrying her in my arms over to my bed. I used one hand to move the covers and held her in the other. 

I carefully laid her down and began tucking her in. "Lay down with me, Bucky..." she said in a tired voice. I looked at her; her eyes were already watching me. Big green eyes, peering into my blue ones in the dark. "I-I was going to take the couch, so you aren't uncomfortable sharing a bed with me," I replied. "You won't make me uncomfortable, now lay down with me, Bucky," she said sternly.

"Yes, ma'am," I saluted jokingly at her tone, and I walked over to my bathroom and closed the door. I brushed my teeth and changed into some black sweatpants. She knows about my metal arm, so she won't mind me not wearing a shirt, right? I exit my bathroom and walk over to my bed, throwing my dirty clothes in the hamper before looking at Ophelia. Her eyes were wide, looking at me, specifically my chest and left metal arm.

I get under the covers acting like I don't notice her gaze. I put my left arm under my head and looked at her with a raised eyebrow, "What?". She blushes a crimson and shakes her head, snapping out of it, "N-nothing, good night." She turns to face the other side; I let out a low chuckle, "Good night Ophelia." It's fun to tease her; she's adorable when she blushes. My eyes close, and I fall asleep for a few hours before it happens, a nightmare in the shape of a memory.

I was asleep all night for the first time since before the war in the 40s. When I woke up, the sun was peeking through the curtains. I winced slightly and adjusted my sight to see the incredible view. Ophelia had her right arm on my chest, right near my heart, and right leg on my right thigh, dangerously close to nowhere. Her blonde hair was splayed out behind her, making her look like an angel. 

Her lips were pulled into a cute pout as she breathed softly yet profoundly. Her heartbeat was steady and calm. She moved slightly closer to me and sighed, pulling her lips into a smile, "Mmm, that tickles Bucky...". I felt myself harden at what she said, 'Fuck, I'm doomed...'. I willed with all my power to lower my arousal for this woman, which was very difficult. I gave Ophelia a soft kiss on the forehead.

Then there was a knock on the door. 'I'm going to kill whoever is on the other side...' I thought to myself. 

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