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Ophelia's POV~

Why him? Why me? Why now? Yelena is already problematic enough. Zach is just adding to my headache. "I'll kill him," Bucky sneered at the screen. "We'll help," Steve said. Cracking my neck and rolling my shoulders, my wings came out, and my eyes changed to Daisy and Iris's. "We can handle him," I said. "We're coming too, Doll," Bucky said. I looked at him and said, "No, let me handle this alone. If I need help, I'll let you know." 

I kissed Bucky softly before pulling away and going outside the compound. Out of the corner of my eye, I see Yelena make her way to the camera room. I don't care about her now; Zach is my main target. Yelena hasn't seen me in the form yet; I wonder how scared she is now. 'Probably thinking, oh shit, I fucked up,' Iris said. 'First, we deal with Zach, then Yelena if she doesn't leave Bucky alone,' Daisy said, and we all agreed.

Yelena's POV~

'Oh shit, I fucked up,' I told myself as I passed Ophelia, or what was Ophelia. I didn't know that was her other form! No one fucking warned me. Her wings were enormous, with sharp nails; her left eye was white, and her right eye was black. I'm such a bitch... Walking inside the camera room, everyone turned to me. "I know, I know, I'm an idiot and a bitch. I'll properly apologize to Ophelia when she returns," I said, and Nat enveloped me in a big hug.

Ophelia's POV~

Zach was easy to spot in front of the building. He saw my form and yelled with a jolt; I rolled my eyes and stood a few feet away. "Can I help you?" I asked, faking kindness. Zach gulped, "O-Ophelia?" "Duh," I glared at him. "I-I wanted to speak with you," he said, rubbing his hands together in nervousness. "Well, get on with it," I said irritably. He jumped at my tone. I was so close to ripping out his throat already. 

"Doll," Bucky's voice echoed from behind me. Gritting my teeth, I look behind me to see Bucky approach. He looked at Zach with malice, but that vanished when he met my eyes. "Oh, it's him again. Can't we talk in private, Ophelia?" Zach asked. Turning my head back to Zach, my eyes squinted at him, "No, anything you have to say to me, you can say in front of my fiance as well." "Fiance?!? You guys have only known each other for a few weeks now!" Zach said.

"So?" I asked, crossing my arms. "So?!? We knew each other for years before I proposed!" Zach said, pointing the finger at us. "And look what happened! You cheated on me for years! I was loyal to you, and you betrayed that trust!" I said, snapping, and my wings fluttered in anger. "And you're a monster, Ophelia! Look at yourself!" Getting in a low stance, ready to pounce, I was stopped by Bucky's left arm around my waist.

"You know what you are, Zach? You are a pathetic excuse for a man, a human being. You threw away a perfectly wonderful woman for her slut of a friend. Shooting you in the head is too good for you; I'll do something better," Bucky said and grabbed his gun with his right hand and aimed for Zach's dick. Zach's face paled, and he moved to run, but he was too late. A gunshot rang out, and blood spilled from his dick area. I snickered as he fell in pain. 

"You bastard!" Zach yelled in pain. Tears streamed down his cheeks, and his face was red with shame. My form changed back to my human self. "It serves you right, pig!" I said and high-fived Bucky. Some black cars drove onto the compound and parked in front of Zach's car. Men in black suits with coms on came over, and two grabbed Zach from the ground. They dragged him over to one of the cars as Zach protested.

One of the men nodded to Bucky, "Sargent Barnes." Bucky nodded back, "Thanks, Owen." "Anytime, Ma'am," he nodded to me, and they left, and one of the cars towed Zach's away. I looked at Bucky with a raised brow, "Do I want to know?" Bucky looked down at me and smiled softly, "I saved his life as a kid as Winter in 2004. I didn't mean to; his parents were about to be killed by my target. So I killed my target in range, and he gave me his name in return."

"I visited when I would remember, and he and his parents never told a soul. He was like a little brother like Steve," Bucky replied. I smiled softly, kissing his cheek. Bucky and I entered the compound, where Yelena and the others waited in the foyer. Yelena looked guilty and embarrassed, as she should. She approached me as Bucky moved toward Steve and Tony. She stopped a few feet away, "Ophelia, I am so sorry for how rude and obnoxious I was to you. Coming from behind during our match was cowardly and pathetic." 

My eyes squinted, trying to tell if she was faking it, but to my surprise, she sincerely apologized. "I don't expect you to forgive me, but I just wanted to right my wrongs for my behavior towards you and Bucky," Yelena said. She was trying so hard not to cry in front of me. Tears were gathered in her eyes as she blinked them away. 'Forgive her,' Iris and Daisy said at once. My feet carried me over to her, and I wrapped her in a hug. 

"It's okay to cry, you know," I said in her ear. Her shoulders fell, and I heard her quietly cry in my hold. I caressed her head gently like a mother would her daughter. "T-thank you, Ophelia," she said in a whisper. "Thank you for apologizing, Yelena," I said. After she calmed down, Nat and Yelena went off to a different room. Bucky approached me with a smile, "I'm proud of you, Doll." I smiled back at him, "Thank you for being here."

"Guys, we got an issue..." Tony said, coming up to us. 'Now what?!?' Iris asked, ticked off. A howl sounded from behind the compound. My ears perked up at the sound. A wolf? In New York? "Yeah, that," Tony said. Loki runs out from the back of the compound, "It's a Lycan, Stark! He's pissed!" A Lycan? More powerful than an actual Werewolf. "Fury caught him in Russia. HYDRA caught him in the mid-'30s," Tony said. 

"Let me try to talk to him," Bucky said. "What? No," I said, holding onto his hand tightly. Bucky turned his head to me and smiled softly, "Come with?" I nodded, and we all walked into the field to the back of the compound. The same area he proposed to me last night. There was a square cage made out of silver, and you could hear snarling and growling of anger directed at Fury and the other men he brought with him.

If Bucky gets hurt by the Lycan, he might turn into one. That's a risk I don't want to take. Bucky dropped my hand, "Stay here, Doll." "Bucky," I said in a warning tone. "Stay here," he said, leaving no room for arguing. He carefully walked up to Fury and nodded to him as a greeting, "Fury." "Barnes, congratulations on the engagement; Tony called me earlier." "Thank you, let me try talking to him, please," Bucky said, and Fury nodded. 

Fury and his men stepped back as Bucky slowly approached the caged Lycan. The Lycan growled lowly at Bucky, who raised his hands in surrender. "Easy, my name is Bucky Barnes. HYDRA took me in the '40s, and they gave me a metal arm similar to this one," Bucky said. The Lycan walked back and forth in the cage, agitated. Bucky carefully opened the cell, and Tony moved to tell him to stop, but it was too late.

The Lycan ran out of the cage, and Bucky moved to block an attack with his metal arm but left his right one out in the open. "No!" I shouted just as the Lycan bit Bucky's right arm deeply. Bucky groaned loudly in pain as he was tackled to the ground by the Lycan, who was a lot bigger than I initially thought. I ran over, and my wings unfurled as I grabbed the Lycan. Using my combined strength, I threw the Lycan off Bucky and straddled over him with my knife out.

The Lycan quickly regained his stance and growled at me. I hissed sharply, my fangs growing by the second. "Shift! Fight like a man!" I sneered. "Doll, I'm fine," Bucky said, scooting out from under me. "You got bit, you idiot! You'll turn unless we find a cure soon!" I said, glaring at Bucky. The bit was deep and bleeding heavily. Turning my attention back to the Lycan, he started to shift.


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