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Bucky's POV~

I didn't want to leave her. Staying away from Yelena as much as possible was my goal. Yelena wasn't even attractive to me. Ophelia was the only woman in my life, and I'll die to protect her. A hand rested on my shoulder; I looked to my right to see Sam sitting beside me on the jet. "Relax, man, we'll be back before you know it," Sam said with a smile. I nod, "Yeah..." The jet landed, and I took a deep breath before my eyes.

'Ready, Winter?' I asked. 'Ready,' he replied. Winter had complete control once I opened my eyes; he knew what to do. We'll be fine. They began firing at us as soon as we exited the jet. Winter shot up while Nat and Clint shot below. We moved slowly as Steve removed a few guards to my left, and I covered him and Tony. We saw a massive mansion with four floors and multiple rooms. 

"Fan-fucking-tastic..." Winter mumbled, annoyed. 'You got that right...' I said. Loki, Thor, and Clint are handled down below. Wanda, Sam, and Tony are outside, keeping us posted through coms. Nat, Steve, and I head upstairs. We took out ten guards in the long hallway. Nat started looking in the multiple rooms, and she cried when she opened the last door in the hall. Steve and I looked at each other. 

He nodded to Nat, and I nodded, making my way over to her. Looking inside, Yelena was tied up with duct tape around her legs and torso in a chair. Nat started cutting at the tape, and Yelena watched her sister. Nat peeled off the tape covering Yelena's mouth, "That bastard is nuts; let's go, Nat!" Nat nodded and helped Yelena stand up while I checked the hall with Steve. A guard came around the corner, and I shot him.

"What's with him?" I heard Yelena ask Nat. "He's Winter right now; once we get on the jet, he'll give control to Bucky again," Nat replied. "I like him more as Winter than Bucky; he's more confident, hotter," Yelena said. I gave Steve a look, "We should have left the tape on her mouth..." Steve nodded. We got downstairs, and I whistled, alerting Loki, Thor, and Clint. "Any more guards?" I asked Loki. 

He shook his head, "None Barnes. Are we all set to go?" I nod, and we move outside, seeing Wanda, Tony, and Sam leaning against the wall admiring their handiwork—a pile of thirty guards lying in front of them, either dead or passed out. I nod in amazement, "Not bad, you guys. Let's move before reinforcements come." We got on the jet, and Nat and Tony took over the controls. The ramp closed as soon as we all got inside. 

I sat down in between Sam and Thor, tired as hell. I closed my eyes as Winter gave back control for me. Once my eyes opened, I had complete control back. I rotated my left arm, getting all the kinks out with a groan. "Tired?" Sam asked. "All I want is a drink and to be with Ophelia..." I replied with a sigh. "You guys have to start planning soon," Nat said. "Planning what?" Yelena asked.

"Their wedding," Steve said. "You're getting married to her?" Yelena asked, somewhat in disgust. I raise an eyebrow at her, "Yes, I am. I love her; she loves me." Yelena rolled her eyes, "If you took out the Angel and Demon of her, she would be a weak woman. You need someone stronger than her, more flexible." Loki snickered from beside Thor. "I would still love her, even if she turned into a toad," I said. 

Yelena snickered, "Sure, Barnes, sure." My lips curled into a sneer; I hate her. Nat made her way over and whacked her upside the head, and Yelena yelped in pain. "Ow, sis! What the fuck?!?" Yelena asked. "That's my friends; you are insulting; one more word, and I'm dropping you out of this plane!" Nat hissed angrily. Yelena shut up quickly and was quiet the rest of the way back to the compound. 

The jet landed in the field, and when the ramp opened, I saw Ophelia waiting with Fury, Bruce, and Vision. She was a few meters away, rubbing her hands together worriedly. I made my way out and started jogging over to her. Relief flashed on her face as she ran over to me and met me halfway with a bear hug. I chuckled softly and hugged her back, digging my face into her neck, inhaling her scent: vanilla and jasmine. 

"I'm so glad you're okay..." she whispered. "I missed you so much, Doll," I mumbled into her neck. She sighed happily, "I missed you too." Holding her like this feels right; I kiss her neck softly, placing multiple kisses along her neck and shoulders comfortingly. She giggles softly and kisses my cheek in reply. We both pull away, and I wrap my left arm around her waist. We return inside after I say hi to Bruce, Fury, and Vision.

Once inside the compound, I go to the bar area and pour myself a much-needed whiskey. "That bad?" Ophelia asks, sitting across the bar. "I hate that woman..." I muttered and down my glass of whiskey in one sip. Ophelia chuckles at my answer as I wash the glass before putting it in the rack to dry. I walk over to Ophelia and slightly open her legs before standing between them. She wrapped her arms around my neck and kissed my jaw softly. 

She pulled away and smiled softly at me, "Don't frown so much; you'll get wrinkles." I roll my eyes, "Doll, I'm one hundred and one years old. Getting wrinkles is fine by me." She giggles, "Just no gray hair yet; I don't think I'll be able to handle it." I nod, "I can live with that." Cupping her face with my left hand, she leans into my touch with a smile. "You are the most beautiful woman who ever lived, Doll," I said honestly.

Ophelia looked at me with her mouth slightly parted in surprise at my confession. Her cheeks warmed to a light pink under my palm. She's so beautiful she doesn't even know it. Don't worry, Doll; I'll fix that. Her eyes fluttered as I leaned in slow, our lips brushed against each other, and then a throat cleared. "Fucking hell..." I mumbled, pulling away as Ophelia looked out with a rosy blush on her cheeks. 

"I hate to ruin a moment between two people in love, but we got another problem..." Bruce said anxiously. I look at him concerned, "What is it, Bruce?" "Not so much as a what, more like a who?" he said and waved us to follow him. Ophelia hopped off the chair, and we held hands, following Bruce. Bruce led us to the camera room and pointed to a camera at the top left corner. My jaw clenched as I saw who it was. Fucking hell, Zach...

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