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My heart skipped a beat at his confession. Does he love me? After only a few days of knowing each other? I mean, we did have sex and go on a date. Why do I feel like I've known him my whole life? He feels so familiar to me. I feel safe and comfortable with him, with Winter. He's sweet, thoughtful, funny, charming, and kind. I love him... So much, sometimes it hurts. "You don't have to reply now; I'll wait for you, Ophelia," Bucky said, letting go of my hands with his left.

I cupped both of his cheeks and pulled him into me. Kissing him always put me on cloud9. He kissed me back, and I gave him one more peck before pulling away with a smile. "I love you too, Bucky," I replied. Bucky's eyes widened slightly, "R-really?" I nodded my head, "Yes." Bucky scooped me up in his arms and spun us around. I giggled at his antics, and he put me down gently, "I love you, Ophelia." 

"I love you too, Bucky," I replied with a smile. Bucky grinned from ear to ear and kissed my cheeks softly, "I'm going to take a quick shower, stay?" I nodded and sat on his couch. Bucky grabbed a fresh pair of briefs and sweatpants before hopping in the bathroom with a spring in his step. I chuckled to myself and grabbed the remote, turning on the TV. I flipped through the channels until I came upon a movie.

It was The Prince of Egypt, and it was just starting. Yes! Bucky came out of the shower as Moses's mother began to sing. Bucky put his dirty clothes in the hamper and joined me on the couch. I cuddled into his side, and he took the remote, increasing the volume. He rubbed my left shoulder with his left hand softly. I mouthed the words, and goosebumps started to form as the tempo picked up. 

This always happened to me when I watched this movie. "I love this movie..." Bucky whispered. "Me too, now shush!" I whispered, yelled, and he chuckled, kissing the side of my head. This was perfect for us right now. It was soothing and relaxing after what happened this week. The movie ended all too quickly as Bucky and I cuddled on the couch. I yawned softly, and he kissed my temple, "Tired, Doll?" 

"A little; I'm fine, though," I said, waving him off. Bucky chuckled and caressed my head soothingly, "Sure, Doll. Sure." "Are you trying to make me even more tired?" I asked him. "Why? Is it working?" he asked, and I could sense a smirk coming off of him. I elbowed his ribs as the credits rolled. Bucky kissed my cheek softly, "Let's go to bed, Doll. Okay?" I nodded my head with sleepy eyes, "Okay." 

A knock came on Bucky's door; Bucky sighed as he carried me to his bed and tucked me in. "Answer it," I said, getting comfy. "I'll be quick," he replied and opened the door. "Loki? What's going on?" Bucky asked. "I hate to interrupt your much-needed time together, but it's important," Loki replied, his voice concerned. I sat up and looked at them, "What's going on?" 

I was wide awake now, and I didn't feel tired anymore. Bucky looked at me and sighed, "I have to talk to Tony quickly, okay, Doll." Uncovering myself, I stand up. "I'm coming with you then," I said, running a hand through my hair. "Okay, Doll," Bucky said and held out his left hand; I took it, and we rushed into the conference room to see everyone at attention and awareness. "What's the situation?" I asked, taking a seat.

Tony was facing a screen as everyone turned to us. "We just got this video five minutes ago. Play it, FRIDAY," Tony said. "Right away, sir," FRIDAY replied, and a video pulled up on the screen. A man was in a chair, but his face was covered in a black mask. "Hello, Avengers. Ms. Miles. I understand you are a little confused about why a video was sent to you. Let me get right to the point; I am the new leader of the new HYDRA," the man said. 

"New HYDRA?" Nat asked, confused. "I thought they were wiped out years ago?" Wanda asked. Bucky tensed next to me, and I rubbed his arm soothingly. "We know the Winter Soldier is in your possession, as well as Loki Laufeyson and Wanda Maximoff. However, we want someone much more powerful than all three combined. Ms. Miles, you are quite extraordinary," the man said. My heart dropped to my stomach as he mentioned me twice now.

"I know you all may be confused, even you, Ms. Miles. But let me explain; your father has been our ally for many years. So much so that he let us experiment on his daughter when she was just a baby," he said. My stomach started to churn as I thought back to my childhood. It was all fuzzy like it was wiped from my head. Like how they wiped Bucky's mind. "Oh my God..." I didn't understand why this was happening to me. 

"Doll?" Bucky asked worriedly. "I-I don't remember my childhood at all. Not until I'm fourteen, before that age, it's blurred..." I replied, leaning my head on the table. "I can't see anything either- Wait! Oh God..." Wanda started and gasped loudly before pulling out of my head. "What? What is it, Wanda?" I asked, looking at her shocked state. Wanda had tears rolling down her face as Vision tried to comfort her.

"I-is it that bad, Wanda?" I asked with a gulp. She nodded, "T-they did horrible things; it's for the best you don't remember." "Wanda, I need to know... Please," I got up from my seat and kneeled before her. She sniffled and touched my face, "I-I'm so sorry, Ophelia..." I smiled softly at her and closed my eyes, "It's okay." I felt Wanda's presence, and my memories began to surface one by one.

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