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Bucky's POV~

It felt weird in this form; I wasn't as advanced as Xander, so that I couldn't talk in this form yet. I sat on the bed and looked at Ophelia as she spoke to Xander. She was so beautiful. Once she was done speaking to Xander, she shut the door and locked it before turning to face me. She smiled softly and made her way over to me. Slowly raising her hand, she stroked my muzzle. My eyes slowly closed as I leaned into her touch.

Ophelia chuckled softly, "My big puppy." I grumbled in denial; she scratched under my chin, causing me to groan in pleasure. "Mate," my Lycan grumbled. Before I knew what was happening, I pinned her to bed. Both of our eyes were wide in surprise. Ophelia looked at me, slightly concerned, "Bucky? You okay?" I whined pathetically, trying to speak. "Take a deep breath, try to relax, okay?" she asked.

I nod and close my eyes, taking a few deep breaths until I feel my body shift back to my human form. I panted heavily as the pain from my second shift subsided. I won't ever get used to that. My head turned to look at my left arm to see no more metal or scars, just fresh skin, and flesh when I tried to tear it off. I wiggled my fingers to test the nerves. I was stunned; I had my arm back. 

I rolled my shoulder, "Such a weird feeling..." "Having your arm back? Or being a Lycan?" Ophelia asked teasingly. "Both, mostly my arm," I looked at Ophelia, who was still underneath me, and I was naked. "Shit, sorry, Doll," I scramble off her and throw on a pair of new boxers and sweatpants. That wasn't very pleasant... I felt a small hand on my bare back, "Feel better?" I nod, "Yeah, thanks, Doll." 

"Bucky, you don't have to be embarrassed being naked around me. I am your fiance, soon-to-be wife," she giggled softly, calming my nerves. "I know; I just didn't want you to think that I wanted to have sex with you that way. We had just found out that we're going to be parents, and I don't want to hurt you or the baby," I said, looking at her. "I wouldn't have minded at all, Bucky, but we can wait too," she said, kissing my cheek softly. 

I got into bed and wrapped my arms around her. My hands on her belly, "I can't wait for the kick." "Hopefully, they won't be a soccer player," she said jokingly, and I chuckled, kissing her head. "Good night, Doll," I said. "Good night, Bucky," she said, and we both drifted off into a peaceful night's sleep. At least, I thought it was going to be gentle. I slowly got sucked into a dream.


My eyes winced as I struggled to get them to focus on the bright sun. I was outside, like in my last dream. My ears twitched when I heard laughing. Turning my head, I see a small shadow up to my hips run up to me. As the shadow got closer, the light shined upon them. A kid? The boy looked up at me with a broad smile and panting slightly. "Hey, kid. Where's your mom?" I ask. "She's chasing me, hide me," the boy said, and I smirked. "Get behind me," I said. 

The boy hid behind me just as the mother got into my vision, Ophelia. She huffed as she entered the clearing, "H-he is your son..." I chuckle, "What did he do now?" "He tried- keyword tried flirting with Morgan again. Even though she's in high school now," Ophelia said, walking up to me. "Tried, meaning he didn't succeed?" I ask. "Nope, not even close," she said with a giggle. I felt the boy huff behind me in annoyance.

Ophelia trailed her eyes down to the small boy hiding behind me. "Now, honey. I know you want to be charming like your father, but she's eight years older than you. You're young still," Ophelia said, causing the boy to pout. "But Dad is over a hundred, and you're only thirty-three," he said. "Because of the serum, honey. If he didn't have the serum, we probably wouldn't have met and had you," she replied. 

I scooped up my son and threw him on my shoulder, "Okay, no more long faces. Who wants Oreo?" "Ooh! Me! I do!" he said with joy. Ophelia and I chuckled, and thus, we walked to our home. Then I began to wake up to the morning light.

~Dream Over~

Opening my eyes, I come face-to-face with Ophelia, who's looking at me already. She smiles softly, "Good morning." I smile back and kiss her softly, "Good morning." There was a knock on the door; I groaned loudly and held Ophelia close, who giggled. "Rise and shine, you lovebirds! Breakfast is ready!" Xander called from the other side of the door. "We'll be there in five minutes!" I replied. 

"Don't do anything I wouldn't do!" Xander said before both Ophelia and I chuckled. We dressed and headed to the dining room, where everyone ate and chatted. I pulled out a chair with Xander to Ophelia's left and sat on her right. I took a sip of water before eating a piece of toast. "I think it's gonna be a girl," Wanda said with a smile, looking at Nat. "Can we get to the bigger picture currently?" Tony asked and gestured to my left arm.

I held it up and flexed my hand. "Holy shit..." Steve mumbled in shock. "Language, Steve," Sam said. "When did this happen?" Vision asked. "Last night when he shifted from Lycan to human," Ophelia replied. "Does it feel fine?" Loki asked. I nodded, "Like I never lost it to begin with..." I replied, looking at Loki with a small smile. "What splendid news! Congratulations, James!" Thor boomed, causing Loki and I to wince at his loudness.

"My poor old man..." Ophelia mumbled and held my left hand in her right hand. I glanced over at her with a raised eyebrow. She giggled and pecked my cheek lovingly. My Lycan purred internally at her affection. Xander cleared his throat, "Cool it, man..." I looked at him, confused. "Whoa, his eyes are gold," Pepper said surprised. I shook my head and rubbed my eyes, "Shit, sorry..." 

Ophelia rubbed her thumb on my hand soothingly, and my testosterone slowly went down. I looked at Xander; he gave me a nod. I was okay... I'll have to ask him for advice later. 

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