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"I'm sorry, the other times? So you cheated on me more than once while I wasn't home", I said with a scrutinizing gaze on Zachary. Zachary looked back and forth between Bucky and me before landing on Bucky. "Who the hell is this guy anyway?" Zachary asked. Bucky pulled me into his left side, wrapping his left arm around my waist. "Her boyfriend," Bucky answered in a confident tone. My eyes flickered over his features; his voice didn't stutter.

"Yeah, right, you're not her type," Zachary said with a huff of a laugh. Bucky shrugged, "Sucks to be you then, punk." "Damn, harsh reality," Steve murmured in the back. I heard Natasha snort a bit. "She's not a good girlfriend anyway. Sex with her isn't good enough anyway, so I had to take a countermeasure", Zachary said. My eyes went to Zachary in a deadly glare.

"So you fucked Emma behind my back?" I asked. "She was better than you, that's for damn sure," he replied, looking at me disgustingly. I took Bucky's gun from his holster and cocked it back, aiming at Zachary. His face paled into a sickly white. "Doll, calm down," Bucky said in a calm tone. I took a deep breath and shot Zachary's two front tires, making them pop and startling Emma in the passenger seat.

I lowered the gun, and Bucky carefully took it out of my hand. My eyes flickered to Bucky's, who was looking at me with worry and concern. I cupped both of his cheeks and gently pulled him down. My lips met his in a soft kiss. My heartbeat increased tenfold as Bucky kissed me back. I felt him put away his gun in his holster and wrap his arms around me in a possessive hold. After a few more moments, we pull away slightly, panting for air.

" Zachary, you were wrong," I say, my eyes moving to Zachary's wide eyes and gaping mouth at what happened. "This man," " I say, holding Bucky's hand in mine. "Is my type," " I say, dragging Bucky away from the front gate to see everyone's wide eyes and smiles. I blush deeply at what just occurred and let go of Bucky's hand. "I-I'm sorry; I shouldn't have done that without asking you first," I said once we got inside.

Cool metal fingers wrap around my right wrist, gently stopping me in my tracks. Bucky turned me around and kissed me with more passion this time. I kissed him back, pulling his head closer to me. He wrapped his right arm around my waist, pulling me against his toned body. Bucky soft bit my lower lip causing me to gasp softly. Bucky chuckled deeply into the kiss until we heard a throat clear.

Bucky and I pull away and look at everyone with broad smiles; some look around the room, ignoring the heated kiss. "Buck," Steve said in a scolding tone. Bucky groaned, "What? She has every right to pull away, so I don't know what you want me to do". I snapped out of my daze and looked at Bucky with wide eyes. 'Man, he's over a hundred, yet he kisses like he's twenty-five, I thought. 

"Want me to kick his ass? I will", Natasha asked me, cracking her knuckles. I shook my head, "No, Karma will eventually bite him in the ass. For now, I need a drink." I walk over to the kitchen and open Tony's liquor cabinet. "Alright, who told her?" I hear him ask. I grab a bottle of vodka and open the cap. I take a small swig and wince as the alcohol burns down my throat. "Doll, you okay?" I hear Bucky ask on my right side.

I look up at him and shrug, "I will be once I pass out from the pain and misery I went through after four years." Bucky takes the vodka from my hand and places it on the shelving. "Come on, Doll, talk to me," Bucky says, leaning against the kitchen counter and looking at me. I look sad at everyone, and they get the message leaving me with Bucky alone in the kitchen. 

I take a deep breath calming my nerves. "I don't want anything to be awkward between us over the kissing... Plus, I just got out of a relationship which I should have gotten out of a lot earlier than I now realize", I said and tucked a strand of loose hair behind my ear. "I'll wait for you to be ready," Bucky said. "D-don't promise things you can't keep. A gorgeous girl will come into your life, and I'll be tossed aside", I said.

"That won't happen," Bucky said. His voice sounded so sure of himself. "Bucky, Steve told me all about your rendevous with gorgeous women from the thirties and forties," I remarked, tightening my ponytail. "I was younger then, more stupid," Bucky said, scratching his neck. "So your not more stupid now that you're super old?" I teased, looking at him with a small smile. "Hey! I look great for being over one hundred, plus I am wiser since the war", he said.

I chuckled, "Alright, I believe you. For now". Bucky breathed a sigh of relief, "Thank you, Doll." My cheeks warmed slightly at the nickname. "Let me take you out," Bucky suddenly said. "Take me out? You sound like you're going to kill me, Bucky", I said jokingly. Bucky huffed a small chuckle and pulled me close, using his left arm around my waist. "Go out on a date with me, Doll," Bucky said, looking down at me with a smirk.

My heartbeat increased from our bodies being so close together. "This is how you got dates with women in their thirties? Try again, Barnes", I said with a raised eyebrow. Bucky snickered, then brushed a stray hair from my face to behind my ear, "Will you please go on a date with me, Ophelia?". The way he said my name gave me goosebumps down my spine. Not from fear, either, which made me blush a little more. 

"If you insist, James," I said. Since we were using first names, I might use them to my advantage. Bucky let out a low growl and kissed me passionately. I moaned softly, wrapping my arms around his neck. Bucky held me against his body; I felt his hard and toned body against my small and lean one: every muscle, every ridge, every metal plate in his arm. Bucky bit my lower lip softly; I opened my mouth slightly. 

He entered his warm tongue into my mouth as we french kissed in the room. Bucky trailed his hands down my sides to my thighs. Bucky pulled away slightly, our lips just about to touch, "Jump." I jumped gladly, and he kissed me again, wrapping my legs around his waist. I felt his arousal against mine which caused me to moan in the kiss. Bucky pulled away and started to place open-mouth kisses against my jaw, then lower to my neck. 

I ran my fingers through his soft brown hair and gently tugged. Bucky groaned and softly bit and sucked on the left side of my neck. My eyes rolled back in pleasure, and I moaned softly, "B-Bucky... W-we should stop". Bucky placed one more kiss on my neck before kissing my cheek softly. Both of us were panting, and he looked at me. His bright blue eyes were now darker. I put my forehead against his looking into his eyes. 

His eyes became the light shade of blue that I love to look at. "Y-you're right; I'm sorry if I did something you weren't comfortable with, Doll," Bucky said and lowered me to the ground carefully before pulling away. Bucky ran a hand through his hair, looking at me. I softly touched my now pink and swollen lips from the kissing. "I should've had more self-control, fuck..." Bucky hissed angrily to himself.

I walked up to Bucky; he looked at me with worry. I cupped his cheeks softly and caressed them. "All because I said your name? I can't wait to call you by your military title and see what happens", I said with a small smile. Bucky groaned softly, leaning into my right hand, "Don't tease Doll." "I wasn't teasing; I was promising," I said, kissing him softly before pulling away. Bucky's eyes darkened rapidly, and I walked out of the room smilingly. 

"Fuck, I'm screwed..." I heard Bucky mumble. 

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