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After getting ready to meet another suitor, unfortunately, I gave Bucky my father's address. Once we arrived at the gate, security recognized me and let us enter. "I want this to end already," I mumbled as we pulled into the driveway. Bucky chuckled softly and wrapped an arm around me as he locked the car, and we walked up the steps. Ringing the doorbell, Henry, my father's butler, greeted us. 

He was the only one nice to me in this hellhole growing up. His eyes twinkled when he saw me. My lips curled into a large smile, "Hello, Henry." "Hello, Ophelia. My, my, you look just like your mother", Henry said, letting us enter. Henry caught Bucky's gaze and held out his left hand. "Hello, sir, Henry Wright," he introduced. Bucky smiles at Henry and shakes his hand firmly, "James Barnes." 

Henry's eyes sparkled, and they immediately saluted Bucky. "An honor to meet the Sargent of the 107th, sir", Henry said, and Bucky smiled before saluting back. "Did you serve as well, Henry?" Bucky asked. Henry nodded, "Sargent of the 52nd in Vietnam 1972, sir". "Henry! Is my daughter here yet?" father's voice echoed in the foyer. Henry paled slightly, and his form went tense, "Y-yes, sir, I'll bring her to you now." 

My heart went to Henry for putting up with the asshole this long. Henry directed us to the living room with my father, a blonde-haired man was laughing about something. I roll my eyes, and Bucky takes my hand in his left one before bringing it to his lips for a soft kiss. I look at him with a small smile, "Ah, daughter, you're here." My father is a mood killer, for sure. I turn to look at my father with a raised eyebrow.

"You told me to come, or should I leave now? Bucky and I have errands to run", I said sharply. "Behave," he sneered at me when he got close enough. He smiled fakely and turned to the man he was talking to. "Pierre Monte, a pleasure to meet you," the man introduced himself once he was a few feet away. He had fluffy blonde hair and sparkling dark brown eyes. He wasn't as built-in muscle as Bucky was. 

He seemed friendly, but I was with Bucky, and I was happy. "Pierre, I'll get straight to the point. I have a boyfriend; this is James. I'm not going to marry you, I hope you find someone who cares about and loves you, but I'm not her. " Good day to you both, " I said, pulling Bucky along by his hand. Henry was holding back his laughter when we passed by. I bet father looked furious, and Pierre's mouth was hanging open. 

Once we got in the car, Bucky sped out of the driveway. "Doll, I never knew you had that much fire in you," Bucky said with a smile. I chuckled, "You would be surprised, Bucky." Bucky chuckled as he drove us back to the compound. Once inside the lounge area, everyone flocked over. "How was it? Do you want me to scare him into calling off the engagement because I will" Nat threatened, twirling her knife? 

I looked at her shaking my head, "Don't bother Nat; he's not worth it. Now, if you all will excuse me, I just want to eat ice cream and watch Disney movies for the rest of the day". I needed to cool off before I snapped at anyone, including Bucky. "Did you want me to join you, Doll?" Bucky asked calmly. "I-I just want to be alone right now, Bucky," I replied, walking down the hall to my room. 

Once the door was closed, my eyes began to burn. I tried to get my heart to calm down and my breathing to steady before anyone heard me accidentally. My phone began to ring; I took it out and saw it was my father calling. Gritting my teeth, I answer. "What could you possibly want now?!?" I asked, frustrated. "Marry Pierre, or I kill him," he said. My heart dropped to my stomach, "W-what? No! You can't kill him; you're not even here".

My eyes dart around my room and go to the window. Looking outside, I tried to find what I was looking for. "All he needs to shoot is my signal, don't even think about telling your friends either, or they die as well," the father says menacingly. "Why are you doing this to me? I'm finally happy, and you're ruining everything", I hissed into the phone as tears poured. I stared at the hidden sniper through the curtain of my room. 

"He's a murderer, Ophelia! He's killed thousands, probably. Can you truly love a man that dangerous? He's over a hundred years old; who's to say he won't die before you do?!?" his father yelled. My throat burned, and my chest felt tight with anxiousness. "I don't care about his past! I don't care about any of it! He's alive here, and now, he's the first guy ever to treat me right", I said.

"If you hurt him, kill him, or hurt any of my friends, I will kill you myself. And that's not a threat, father; that's a promise", I said before hanging up the phone. My eyes are trained on the sniper; he touches his earpiece before retreating. I let out a small breath of relief. My heart was beating so hard that it hurt to breathe. 'Calm down, Ophelia, take deep breaths; I tried to calm down. However, it wasn't working. 

My lungs feel like they will explode, and my mind feels fuzzy. I clutch onto my dresser to stabilize myself but end up falling to the ground. "Ophelia? Are you okay?" I hear a familiar voice. Who is it? Please help me... I feel like a fish out of water trying to breathe. There's no oxygen. "I'm coming in," the voice says, and I hear the door open with a gasp. "Bruce!!" the voice yells. 

I hear footsteps running towards me. "Shit, Ophelia!" I hear Bruce say, and someone picks me up in their arms. "Jolly Green, what's all the ruckus about- Oh no, Ophelia!" Tony panics. I'm laid out on a metal surface; blinding lights surround me. Am I going to die? "Let me through! I have to be with her!" I hear a voice call out. "Bucky, calm yourself down!" Nat yells at him. "Let me go to her, please! Ophelia!" Bucky persists. 

"Buck, she'll be alright!" Steve says, trying to convince Bucky. 'Bucky...' I thought to myself. My eyes start to feel heavy, and I don't hear anything else afterward. It's dark, quiet, and peaceful. "-lia. Ophelia", a voice calls out to me. My eyes open, and it looks like a flat lake with a blue sky and clouds floating in the sky. I turn my head and see someone familiar. "Mom?" I ask for confirmation. 

Her blonde hair and green eyes sparkle with pride and joy, "Hello, darling." Tears burn in my eyes as I run to her. She opens her arms wide, and I hug her tightly. "Ophelia, I've missed you, my dear," she says. Her voice is soft and gentle, as I remember. "I've missed you so much, mom..." I whimper out a sob. "You have grown into a beautiful and strong young woman. Intelligent, radiant, kind, and special, " Mom said, brushing my hair down.

I pull away and blink back the many tears from pouring out. "I've been watching over you, Ophelia, and I must say... Bucky Barnes is a handsome and polite man, " Mom says, causing me to giggle. "So, you approve?" I ask. "Those blue eyes are gorgeous," she said with a sigh of adoration. "Mom, he's 101 years old", I said. "Age is just a number; it's how you feel about each other that matters," mom replied with a small kiss on my forehead.

"It is not your time to die, my dear. However, if you need me, I'll be here for you", she said with a kind smile. I nodded my head, "I love you, mom." "And I love you, Ophelia," she said before fading along with the scenery. I winced, trying to open my eyes; after using my right hand to shield them, I fully opened them to see lights in the compound hospital. I took a deep breath and sighed in relief. 

Till I Die (Bucky Barnes)Where stories live. Discover now