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~Ophelia's POV~

"So, did they tell you their names yet? Are you going to name them? How does it work?" Wanda asked giddily. I chuckled, "My Demon side likes the name Iris. My Angel side likes the name, Daisy. Their flower names, but they don't care." Wanda nodded, "It suits them." All of us were currently on a quinjet heading to Siberia, Russia. According to my files, that's where I was stationed with Bucky.

Bucky was discussing a plan with Steve and Tony. The idea was to kill off HYDRA once and for all, starting with their new leader. The guy in the mask. He gave me the creeps. "How are you doing, sweetheart?" Nat asked me from my right. I nodded, "I'm doing okay; I'll be better once this fiasco ends." Nat chuckles and shakes her head in agreement, "Yeah. We'll all need a vacation afterward." 

"Definitely," I said with a sigh. "We're coming up on the base now," Clint says. I stiffen up, my muscles tensed, my throat dry. I take a deep breath and look at Bucky, who meets my eyes. He makes his way over to me and sits beside me. He takes my left hand in his right, kissing it back, "Are you feeling okay, Doll?" I nod, "I'm fine; I'm worried about you." Bucky kisses my cheek softly as we land the Quin Jet. "Winter is pissed, and so am I, but that's to be expected," he said.

We all get up from our seats as the ramp opens below. I check my guns in my holster to make sure they're loaded. I brought extra bullets in one of my cargo pants pockets. You have to be prepared, right? We ran out of the ramp and removed the security cameras and two guards by the metal doors. Tony blasts open the metal doors, and Clint follows Nat, weapons raised. Clint waved us in as we removed more cameras. 

The hallways were long and dreary. No natural light was allowed in; only the old electric lights flickered. It looked like the beginning of a horror film. Steve and Clint take the lead as Tony and Nat cover us. We turn the corner to see an open lab with only one cryo-freeze tank. My throat gets dry as I look around. A lab table is empty with leather straps for the arms and legs. "I see our guest of honor has arrived," the voice from the video echoes in the room. 

My head snaps to the right to see the new HYDRA leader without his mask this time. My jaw drops in shock and appall. It was the man my father picked out for me days ago. Pierre Monte. He had an arrogant smirk and was older than I realized if he had helped my father experiment on me for years. "What the fuck?" I asked myself aloud. "What? What is it?" Tony asked nearby. "It's the suitor her father picked days ago," Bucky replied.

"That's fucked up," Nat said cocking her gun and pointing it at the guards behind him. My father was standing off to the side of Pierre, staring at me with disappointment. "Daughter," my father said. "Not after today, you sick motherfucker," I said, and Iris hissed at him, showing her fangs. "Ah, so they have come out. Perfect timing," Pierre said with an evil glint in his eye. "I don't like that sound," Steve mumbled behind me.

"I don't either, hey Pierre. How about a deal?" I said, putting away my weapons. "What are you doing, Doll?" Bucky asked off to my left. Pierre tilted his head slightly, "What deal?" "I will kill you without any weapons, just me, and then I will kill everyone else here. My friends and I leave scratch-free, and you will all burn in the pits of Hell. Sound good?" I asked and began stretching my arms.

Pierre laughed out loud, "That's a bullshit deal." I shrug, "It's either me and my other sides, or it's all of them." I pointed behind me, my friend's weapons already raised and ready to fight. I cracked my knuckles and rolled my shoulders, releasing two ten-foot wings. My left was white, and my right was black. "Holy shit!" Tony and Steve said in unison. "Your choice Pierre, die or die?" I asked, wearing a smirk on my face at their shocked expressions.

The guards behind Pierre took a step back, lowering their weapons. "F-fire!" Pierre ordered, and the gunfire started raining down at us. I turned and blocked everyone with my wings shielding them. Clint began to shoot his detonation arrows toward the beams of the building. Nat shot the guards in the head expertly. Tony shot his beam at the ceiling and floor. Steve threw his shield, hitting multiple guards coming from the other side.

Bucky fired at the guards approaching us off to the side as everyone started to spread out around me. I tucked in my wings that were unharmed. "Kill them, you idiots!" Pierre shouted in frustration. My eyes turned to him, and I took out my two guns. Pierre gulped and began running down the corridor, shoving the man I once called my father and the guards out of the way. I cocked my guns and aimed for his leg.

I fired, and the bullet went through his kneecap. Pierre screamed in agony as he leaned against the wall limping away. "O-Ophelia, please..." the man said to my left. I looked down at him, and he shook in the corner like a coward. I raised an eyebrow at him, "You disgust me." His face paled as I raised my gun to his chest and shot a bullet through his heart. He slumped against the wall, light fading from his eyes. He was dead.

I turned my head back, focusing my anger on Pierre. He was currently limping as blood trailed behind him. I pocketed my guns in my holster as I marched up to him. Reaching him, I grabbed his shoulder, pinning him against the wall. His face paled at the sight of me, "N-now wait a minute, we can n-negotiate the deal..." I tilted my head in amusement, "And what would that be, Pierre?" 

"You'll never hear from me again if you let me go. I-I'll even spare your friends, even Bucky-" hand wrapped around his throat in a tight grip cutting off his air supply. He moved his mouth as he tried to speak. "Don't repeat his name, and why would I let you go? So you can hurt and kill more innocent people? I don't think so. For a HYDRA leader, you aren't so smart," I said, using my right hand to pierce his chest, taking out his heart in one motion.

Pierre's blood dribbled out of his mouth as I let him drop to the ground. I declined his heart and stepped on it for good measure before returning to the others. Nat was looking at my father with slight disgust. She looked up at hearing footsteps and smiled softly, seeing me. Her eyes drifted to my bloodied right hand.

"Let's go home," I said, walking past her and towards the exit where we came in. Tears filled my eyes as I thought about how ruthless I was. 'They deserved to die, Ophelia,' Iris told me in my head. 'They will rot in Hell for eternity,' Daisy told me. "Doll," Bucky called to me, making me halt. I turn my head and hide my right arm from his sight. Although, I'm pretty sure he saw. He walked over to me, looking over for any visible wounds.

"I-I don't want to be touched right now, not until we return, okay?" I asked him, looking away from his gaze. "I don't care about the blood Doll; I just want to make sure you're okay," he said, cupping my cheeks in his hands. He tilted my head up to meet his eyes. I gulp slightly as he wipes the tears falling from my eyes. "Listen to me, Doll," he said. Bucky kisses my forehead softly.

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