11: Shit, they're back

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Hmm, how school went?...


I got to my seat 5 minutes before class started, thanks to Taehyung's racing. Yea, he did not let me drive his SUV. I'd say I was shitting my pants the whole ride... but we made it out alive... and just in time for my class to start.

Although... my teacher of course had found a way to give me detention...

"You skipped school yesterday Ms Min, care to explain?"

"I was just sick." I lied.

"Why didn't your parents inform the principal about that?" He perked his eyebrow at me.

Honestly... I really wanted to spit in his face. Fuck being a lady, I wanted to plant a real slimy gob of spit right between his eyes.

"You don't lie to your teacher. That's disrespectful. And homework hm?" He asked looking at my empty table.

The whole class laughed as I was scolded. As always.

I missed having classes with Soomin. We had just finished our mutual course and now we only had physics together. Only two periods each week.

"I hate to do this Haru, but you again haven't done your homework, one hour of detention." He spoke as I didn't answer and turned around to continue his lesson.

Cut the bullshit, you enjoy giving me detention

At least, Seung didn't get detention on purpose that day.

Well, the day continued and after my detention had ended, I grabbed my phone from the teacher's desk and then noticed all the missed calls and texts from Taehyung.

"I'm sorry Taee~" I apologized as I entered the black SUV with a not so amused Taehyung in it, "I got detention for breathing as usual and the teacher took my phone!" I whined.

"I waited for almost two hours." He grunted, looking straight into the air.

"It was only 1 hour and 5 minutes." I pouted and looked out the window.

Next, we were at my house, stopping by to get my books and other stuff. Luckily no cars were around, meaning no one was home. The extra key was still under the doormat. 

The rest of the drive was silent.

And that leads to now.

I was laying in my bed, well Jimin's bed, trying to do my homework. Although, as usual I couldn't focus and kept thinking of other things.

I grabbed my phone and sent a text to Jimin, asking him when he was going to be home.

I then threw my phone on the bed, dropping my head on the bed of resignation.

"I hate this fucking dump shit equation which I don't need to know how to solve cause I'll never.. like NEVER.. use that in real life! Who the hell invented school!?" I mumbled frustrated into the sheets.

A knock on the door, made me stand up from the bed.

Wait... a knock?

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