14: Is he allowed?

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I opened my eyes, gazing up at the sky, my vision a little blurry.

Why is it so cold?
Why's there so much noise?
Why does my head hurt?

"Are you okay?" A male voice asked, a screeching sound following as his head showed up, shadowing the blinding sky.

I sat up with a jerk, bumping heads with the person whom the voice belonged.

I grabbed my forehead and then the back of my head, wincing at the slight stinging pain in both places.

I put my hands on the ground to support myself, but it was cold and wet and I quickly removed my hands again.


I looked around, noticing I was in the middle of an ice rink

"Let me help you." Jungkook chuckled, putting his hands under my arms helping me get up.

As I got up on my skates... I sailed a bit. I'm usually decent at ice skating, I think it might've been the fall I assume I took before ending here...

"Woah, let's get you off the ice." Jungkook said and grabbed my arm, but I quickly tore it away.

"Don't you touch me." I said sternly, wrinkling my forehead.

"Baby, did you hurt your head that bad?" He laughed, skating towards me.

Am I really still his 'baby' in here?
Are we really still a couple?

I hit my head a few times, hoping to faint or whatever I did before waking up in this dream, to go back to reality.

Though, his hands stopped me.

"Why are you hitting yourself??" He asked, both of my wrists in his hands between us.

I looked up at him, our eyes meeting, concern written all over his face.

His eyes were so much softer in here... brighter too. It was like I could see how much this Jungkook cared for me.

But you still broke my heart
Every tear leaves a stain.

It hurt me a bit actually. He thought I loved him too. However, his real like self had made that impossible for me.

I knew it was just a dream, and I really wanted to just shout it in his face. But even though it just was a dream... his sparkling eyes looked at me with so much love. I couldn't tell him I didn't love him back.

I caved in and let him help me off the ice.

I guess I'll just have to go with the flow, and puke when I wake up...

I sat on the bench next to the ice rink, keeping my eyes on the bright and sweet guy in line to buy us waffles.

"I wonder how I am in here when I'm awake." I sighed, slightly confusing myself.

This man seemed to love me so much. Dream-me must've done something right to deserve that. The dreams back then just started out of nothing. I never got the story behind how we ended up as a couple. Nor how he fell in love with me.

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