24: My Bam

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The ride home from the hospital was pretty quiet. Jungkook looked like he wanted to say something, glancing at my red cheek every now and then, but he kept quiet. Normally I would be embarrassed, having broken down like that in front of someone, but obviously that wasn't the feeling running through me.

Cause I felt like my family just drifted from me for real this time. 

All the time living at the boys' house, I had had the opportunity to go back. Even though I said I never would... I would some time, I was just too proud to admit it. Now.. I didn't know if I was welcome. To go back wasn't an option anymore.

My dad's words had sunk in. 

But I still knew my mom loved me. 

I was sure she was gonna contact me eventually. But eventually could last long, and not getting to talk to the doctor before I left, I didn't know if she would last as long...

Jungkook opened the car door for me. I didn't even notice we arrived back to their house. I sloppily pulled my legs out of the car and got up. Jungkook took my hand and helped me. I didn't perceive his act.

I opened the front door to the house, I had become so familiar with. I would almost call it home. Almost. I wasn't ready to let go of the other.

The TV was playing as I stepped inside, a news reporter on the screen. I threw off my shoes, the door shutting behind me. The TV paused at the noise of the door shutting and Jimin in the couch turned around. 

He smiled, but as his eyes drifted to the man behind me it got awry and when he looked back at me it was completely gone.

"Are you okay Princess?" He asked.

Jungkook took off his shoes and went to his room, leaving Jimin and I alone. 

And like that we were like two butterflies fluttering outside a window. Butterflies that was always chasing each other, but never really catching each other. Cause they would be certain not to get caught.

Jungkook left the room, Jimin's eyes glued on him all the way until his body disappeared down the hallway.

I took the chance, to look in the mirror, checking if I had any mascara left around my eyes. 

As I turned back to face Jimin, he looked at me, one of his eyebrows rising up in a questioning arch.

I was just about to go to him, sit besides him, get a cuddle and tell him what happened. Just as he asked a moment ago, when Jungkook was here.

But before I could, Jimin spoke, "Why are you home so late, and with him?" 

His voice was cold and accusatory.

I was not anyone to blame him for the question, but in that moment I got angry. I was on the edge of both bursting into tears and blowing up. My mom was dying. My dad blamed me. And Jimin didn't even care to ask why my cheek was red or why my eyes were puffy?

I had blamed him for not making sure I was okay, when he didn't even know what had happened. I didn't think straight.

"Are you serious Jimin?" I spoke lowly, looking him directly in the eyes.

"If I'm serious about why my girlfriend is coming home with my best friend at fucking 11 pm?" He scoffed, "Of course not, why would I? Nothing suspicious about that." He let out a sarcastic laugh.


"What were you doing out at night with him Haru?" He cut me off, raising his voice a bit.

"We're not alone can you quiet down please?" I said, shushing him. 

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