20: I sinned and I liked it

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This day we all gathered for lunch. The boys' schedules were already finished by 2 pm and we decided to have late lunch all 6 of us together. Also because Yoongi's birthday was coming up and he would be gone, visiting his hometown that week. 

We didn't really wait for Jin and Jimin to come home as they said their flight would arrive around 6 pm, meaning they would be home probably by 8 pm. 

Jungkook had of course seated himself across from me. I didn't know whether I was uncomfortable or actually blushing by the feeling of his gaze on me. 

Yoongi put the last thing on the table, a pot full of ramen, and everybody started stuffing their mouths. Just as everybody's mouths were full, except mine cause I actually felt quite nauseas, having Jungkook in my sight all the time and reminding me of last night, the front door opened, a high pitched voice shouting.

"Waaa guys!! Have you missed my handsome faceee?" Jin made his entrance, dropping his luggage as he saw the table full of food, "Perfect! I'm starving."

"You're already home?" Namjoon asked, getting up to welcome home his loud and older brother, but sat down again as Jin's attention was on the food.

"We caught an early plane." Jimin's sweet voice spoke as he entered the room.

"Jimin!" I exclaimed and got up from my seat. I jumped on him, wrapping my arms around his neck.

"Hi Princess." He smiled. He gently pushed me away by the shoulder's to look in my eyes, "I've missed you." He then pulled me in a hug again.

"Waa, get a room." Taehyung whined from the table, but got up as well to greet his best friend, "Now move, my turn." He shoved me away from Jimin's grip.

"Mean." I huffed.

I stood by, waiting for Tae and Jimin to be done with their stupid handshake so I could touch my boyfriend again. It had only been 3 days, almost 4, but I had missed his touch.

I went and clenched my arms around him again. For a couple of minutes we stood, just enjoying the feeling. The other's at the table had started eating, their voices getting louder and louder as they got more and more frisky by the delicious food in front of them.

I arched my neck to look up into his eyes. I couldn't help but run my hand through his soft, now silver hair.

"That's new." I said with a smile.

"Jin thought it would be fun. We got a little drunk last night." He said.

"You did that drunk?" I arched my brow. 

No way they perfectly dyed his hair drunk.

"We're awesome right?" 

I arched my brow even higher, giving him a 'I don't believe you' look.

He sighed, "My stylist got mad and brought me to a professional hair dresser this morning who fixed it. It actually looked pretty terrible." He laughed as he was reminded of the previous night, "I have a picture." He reached for his phone in his pocket.

"I'll love to see that later." I said, pushing his hand down and smiled, "I'm starving." 

As I turned around, he grabbed my wrist turning me back. He looked at me intensely before pulling me in for a kiss. Our lips finally reunited, but not for long. I pulled away, a sudden bad taste in my mouth. I faced the floor, glancing at Jungkook through the corner of my eyes, guilt hitting me. 

Believe me, it had been keeping me awake all night. I had kissed another man, while in a relationship. I had read many drama books in my life. They always said that it's not cheating, unless there's feelings involved. But that's just bad excuses. Besides... the way my heart fluttered as his thumb had stroke my cheek and the butterflies that had erupted as his lips melted with mine. I wasn't sure if I was innocent.

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