23: Hospital

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Haru POV

I moved the phone away from my ear, my hand slowly sliding down my side.

My head was overwhelmed with thoughts, yet I felt so empty. 

My mom has cancer

At first anger rushed through my body. Angry that she hadn't called, hadn't texted and hadn't tried to get ahold of me to tell her. 

Why didn't she tell me!?

Then regret, cause she actually had tried telling me, but as the stubborn newly born heartless bitch I had become I had chosen to ignore it.

Mom: Haru we need to talk.

Mom: Haru, please don't be selfish right now.

I did actually that. I chose to be selfish and ignore her.

My reaction as I first had seen her message...

Do I really want to deal with her right now?

I must've been the worst daughter ever. Pure regret.

I'm so sorry mom.

Then denial, sadness and despair.

My mom is not dying. She can't be.

I can't live without my mom

She can't be dying!

My vision was blurry. What I needed to do right now was rush to the hospital, but I was frozen.

Looking down at the ground, I noticed a pair of shoes in front of me.

Shit I forgot.

I looked up at Jungkook. His eyebrows furrowed, worry written all over his face. 

I stepped away, taking a deep breath and wiping my moist eyes.

"I-I need to go to the hospital." I said and turned around to leave before I would burst into tears in front of him. I didn't need anyone to feel sorry for me. This was my own fault. It's called karma.

He grabbed my arm, giving me a soft look, "Let me drive you."

Deep down I wanted him to, but my pride wouldn't give in. Again my unintentional and stupid stubbornness kicked in. 

I can do this myself

The thought was selfish and stupid, cause in this situation I should off just had let him drive me, to get to the hospital faster. Instead I wanted to do it myself.

I tore my arm away from his grip, "Thanks, but I can do it myself Jungkook." I said, the tears pressuring, but my voice stern and steady.

"What are you gonna do, run to the hospital?" Jungkook raised his voice, showcasing his impatient side once again. 

"I'll figure it out on the way." I said.

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