~Chapter 1~

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- "Why did he have to leave me like this? Huh, what did I do to deserve all this? Tell me, just someone please explain it to me? I just don't get it..." the young girl said in a quavering voice, looking up at the white-gold moon that dominated the black heavens of the sky.

Indeed, it was that night, that night that she yearned ever so lovingly. It was nearly midnight, as the sight she had in front of her was picturesque. The navy blue color that adorned the sky was a perfect scenery for a full moon.

She kept her eyes glued up to the sky as she, unlike those other people that thought the night prevented them to see clearly, managed to see distinctively through that dreariness that filled it, by dint of the idiosyncratic glowing white moon that loomed large.

The gentle sound of the waves lapping lazily at the shore, sounded almost like a lullaby. She closed her eyes, now full of tears, nestling her head deeper into her knees, taking in a deep breath, inhaling the fresh ocean air as a small breeze blew by her face and tickled her runny nose.

—10 years later—



I woke up to the loud screams of my older sister, Sumin. Me and my sister lived alone in an appartement in Seoul. Both of our Parents had weirdly disappeared after they had left for unknown reasons.

Thay had told us to look out for ourselves and to be careful of this big and frightening world that awaited us, and told us that their departure was supposedly for our 'safety'. We were left confused and broken and it was a tragic moment for both of us, but we have learnt to take care of eachother. We didn't need them in any way, as they had abandoned us.


Today was my first day at my new work. As I heard my sister yelling at me to get out of bed, I checked the time on my phone.

- "Great! I am gonna be late for my first day. Ugh..." I mumbled, in my morning voice, not wanting to get out of bed.

It was already 8:30 in the morning, and I had to start at 9. I had no other choice but to jump out of bed, as I quickly ran in the bathroom to take a shower. After my shower, I put some maekup on, and grabbed some clothes in a hurry.

- "Sis, I'm leaving, see you!" I said, heading out the door.

- "Yeah, see you tonight. Have a good first day!" she yelled from the kitchen.

I quickly ran to the elevator. My pace was getting faster and faster as I was headed to my car. I hopped in and drove to work, which was not too far from where I lived. After a short amount of time, I finally arrived. I was standing in front of the building. My first day at one of the biggest industries of Seoul, the Lee Industries, had started. Checking the time, I saw I was 10 minutes early. I walked in the building, and went to the front office, relieved.

- "Hi, I am new here."

- "May I know your name Miss?"

- "Kim Y/N, for the secretary job."

- "Ok Miss Kim, just on time, here is your badge. Your office is at the 21st floor. The elevator is this way, right through that hallway, to the left. Have a good first day Miss Kim."

I kindly thanked the receptionist and headed myself to the elevator. As the elevator opened, there was barely any space. I waited for the next one, looking at my watch as the seconds were ticking, but I eventually got in one and clicked on the button for the 21st floor. The door opened and I got out.

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