~Chapter 9~

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Mr Lee had left, leaving me alone in the office with Mr 'I get everything I want'. Just why, why was he here to ruin my life. Why couldn't he just be a normal deputy with good manners. Why had I to be cursed at this extent. Sometimes, I truly wondered the purpose of life, but things happen if they are to happen, and this apparently was to happen.

Mr Park playfully turned his head towards mine, having a wide smile creep on his face.

Why is he even like this? Maybe he actually has like a problem or a disease...

I thought, seriously taking in consideration this possibility, looking at him with a perplexed expression.

Or maybe it was just the way he was

- "May I ask you something Mr Park, why are you like this? Why do you put me through all this? Minji is your secretary... just what do you expect from me?" I questioned him, finally blurting out these thoughts that were weighing on my head.

- "Oh Y/N, if only I could tell you..." he told me with a regretful stare, having then stood up from his chair and exiting the office, leaving me with a shocked and confused face.

He called me Y/N?! And what does he mean by "If only I could tell you"... tell me WHAT!!!

I yelled at myself internally, as he had made the situation worse. More thoughts were now taking over my already full head.


- "Hey Minji, I need to talk to you about something, you're not busy are you?" I asked Minji, having ran out of the office I was left alone in a few minutes ago, hurriedly rushing into Minji's office for a clarification of what I was thinking, but also to reveal everything. I had never told her about this 'deal' between me and Mr Park, because I was scared, scared that Mr Park would find out. But I did not fear him anymore, because I trusted Minji, and I knew she wouldn't tell anyone.

- "Does it seem like i'm busy. Come in, take a seat!" she answered me, as this was not shocking to me anymore. Of course, Mr Park had me work instead of his secretary, so she naturally had nothing to do, and besides, Jimin always did everything before I even arrived here, she was always free.

- "I don't know where to start, okay so..." I started, wanting to tell her everything. Maybe she could help me in this complicated situation, well that's what I was hoping.


- "I just don't get it, help me out Minji, PLEASE!" I told her, shaking her arm and looking desperately into her eyes. I had finished explaining the whole situation, from what happened the second day until today, everything.

- "I don't seem to see either why he is like that towards you... or maybe..." she said, having put a smirk on her face, and wiggling her eyebrows up and down at me, as if she was insinuating something happening between us.

- "STOP IMMEDIATELY WHAT YOU ARE THINKING, HE DOES NOT SEE ME IN THAT WAY!!!" I yelled at her. As if...he definitely did not like me, why would he put me through so much pain. That didn't make sense.

- "He might... I mean why do you think little boys pull on little girls pony tails at recess, cause they like them, and that's the only way to get their attention, just think about it."

- "No, I won't think about it Minji. We are adults, not kids. And besides, if he thinks doing this to me is getting my attention, it's definitely not working, I hate him, like really hate him and I won't change my mind," I hissed through gritted teach, having turned my head with a sigh, crossing my arms.

- "You'll see, I'm gonna be right, you just don't want to believe it..." she said in a low voice, being sure herself of all this.

She knew her boss really well. Mr Park was not the type to get anyone's attention, in fact she had never seen him do such a thing to anyone. She had been his secretary for years, and never has she seen him get out of his office, other than for going home. He was a reserved person, and hated whenever we were to ask questions about him and his past. He truly and deeply disliked the subject. All he talked about was work, work and work. Nothing else. Wait no sorry, did I mention he also talks about work.

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