~Chapter 14~

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We were now half way through the dinner, and I was starting to get bored and tired. I had thought that I was at least going to enjoy my time a minimum here, but I found myself listening to their discussions for the past 45 minutes, and they were all but interesting. All they kept on blabbering about was their companies, the way they worked, about their arrangement and bla bla bla.

Since my eyes would not stay open the way I wanted them to be, as they kept on getting heavier by each second, I gently nudged My Park, to inform him of my tired state.

- "Excuse me Sir, i'm sorry to interrupt you, but I am starting to get tired, and I want to go home..." I asked.

- "I am sorry Miss Kim, but unfortunately we are not done yet, please wait a little longer, I won't take much longer."

- "Sure thing...Oh and I will be right back, I am going to the bathroom." I decided to move myself a little instead of staying there like an idiot, staring blankly at the table, waiting for Mr Park to finally tell me when we were going to leave.

I got up discreetly, gently bowing as I left the table, wanting to go to the bathroom. But, that is when realization hit me, as I didn't know where the bathrooms were situated.

I desperately looked around for a sign of finding a bathroom logo, but failed. So I directed myself to a man, who seemed to be one of the servers.

- "Hello, excuse me, but I would like to know where the bathrooms are?"

- "They are that way, then turn left," he indicated me, his finger pointing the direction I was to take.

I kindly exhaled a 'thanks', as he gave me a warm smile in response, soon making my way to where the server had previously pointed to.

And once I finally found those bathrooms, my lips curled into a smile of satisfaction, as I entered it.

I then exited once I was done, and my feet did not manage to walk me back to the table where Mr Park and the others were seated, as they seemed to still be talking about the boring things I heard some minutes ago.

So I decided to get something to eat, and turned to face the big buffet I had spotted earlier. There were just so many things to chose from, as I stood there looking at every piece of food that seemed to call me. I finally made up my mind after some brief seconds, and picked out the ones that looked the most appetizing in my eyes.

And as I was about to take my first bite impatiently, someone accidentally shoved me, making what was in my hands a few moments ago, end on the filthy floor.

I let my face plaster a small pout, my eyes contradicting that cuteness as they were filled with anger. I harshly turned my face to notice this person on the ground, bending down to apologize.

- "Oh my, I am deeply sorry, please forgive me!" he pleaded, his hands rubbing each other, and his face facing the ground.

- "Sir, please get up, this is no big deal." I reassured him, as his face finally left the ground, now looking into my irises. I looked back at his, never breaking the intense eye contact, as my eyes were admiring his features.

Gosh, this man is so...handsome.

I thought, as soon as his gaze met mine.

This brief eye contact was put to an end as he quickly got up from the ground, and thanked me for helping him as I had reached out for his hand.

- "Sorry again..." he murmured one last time before he finally broke the awkward moment between us, his footsteps slowly drifting away.

I watched him leave, eyes stuck to his slim figure. But I didn't want him to leave before getting to know his name.

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