~Chapter 10~

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- "We arrived!" Minji cried, enthusiastically.

After having caught my breath, I lifted my eyes, as they fell on an astounding and breathtaking view. We were on a high building, from which all Seoul was in sight. We could perceive all the beautiful lights of the city, overtaking the darkness and obscurity that had started to appear. The different noises were distinguishable as well ; the car horns, the police siren, having momentarily reminding me of New York, place that was easily known by anyone.

- "Isn't it beautiful..." Minji said, still admiring the beautiful view that was right in front of us. She seemed to love this place more than anything, like it held a certain importance. The fondness she seemed to have made me curious, of why this place seemed to take all her affection.

- "It's beautiful..." I responded, briefly remembering a similar memory.

- "Look at the the moon Y/N, isn't it splendid?" he asked, turning his gaze from the the round sphere in the dark blue sky to my eyes, looking deeply into then with adoration, as he always did, having me turn quickly my eyes to the sky, and back at his.

- "It is splendid, I wish we could stay here looking at it forever," I answered, as I truly loved being here under the beautiful yet dangerous darkness of the sky, with Jimin, never getting tired of this happiness that he made me feel, as he was always beside me.

I don't get it, anything I do, these memories and thoughts always seem to find a way into my head. I've tried to push them away, but they kept coming back like a boomerang.

- Hey YN, you look a bit down, you okay?" she asked, having realized the mere grief that I was expressing.

- "You seem to love this place and i'm really sorry , but...can you bring me home..." I answered, really wanting to get back home and instantly go to bed, wanting to drain away my fatigue followed by those thoughts.

- "Don't be sorry, i'll surely bring you home. We can come back another time," she said, as we headed back to her car.


- "MISS KIM!" I jumped, being surprised by the unexpected shout, disrupting the likable silence of the room, of Mr Park calling me from the next door office.

Regrettably, Minji had called me in the morning, warning me of her absence for the week, as she had caught the flu. I had asked her if she wanted me to be there, as she lived alone, but she informed me to go to work and not be too worried about her.

And I had listened to her, I was going to work of course, but I decided to get to her at the end of each day, knowing the way it felt being alone. I wanted to be there for her.

- "Yes Mr Park..." I responded, having got up from my seat and walk up into his workroom.

- "I said I wouldn't bother you anymore, but I promise you I won't give you all of my work, I just need your help. Could you please take each of these products on this list and classify them in the order of their creation dates..." he asked, slightly embarrassed of his request, not wanting to burden me any further.

- "Of course, I am to work anyway, it isn't right to let you do everything," I answered, as I took awareness of his dark circles under his eyes, thing I had not noticed before.

Does he even sleep?

I internally asked myself, feeling concerned of his state, I didn't like seeing him or anyone like that. It just wasn't good or natural.

I started doing the work he assigned me, putting each product in the order from the most recent to the latest made. I was so concentrated on it, that I had not noticed the passing of time. Hours had slipped by, and I was not close to finishing. It was indeed tiring, but it was not what bothered me. I had realized that I had eaten nothing once again, like most of the days, as my stomach was rumbling.

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