~Chapter 6~

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—1 month later—

It has been precisely one month now since I had started working in the Lee industries. Each and every day of the month, I had come at 4 and a half in the morning just to work for Mr Park rather than with him. As I arrive in his office, I am to bow to him and then would immediately start by cleaning his whole office, from the dirty ground to the dust that rested on the shelves. Everything had to be clean, he wanted it "to shine", these words coming out of his mouth every morning, as if I had not understood.

And after this thorough cleaning, I am to do most of his work for him too. This man really. But I had no other choice, since I was desperate to stay in that company, from which Mr Lee kept on praising me for my hard work, as I tried to hide everyday the exhaustion that took over me just to show him my determination and my love towards this company.

Yes, indeed, over the month, I had learned to love the people of this company and I had admired the hard work they put in it. I had myself liked working there. I don't know why, but I had liked giving my all in what I was doing, thing I did not expect coming from myself. Work was something I had never experienced. From my first steps into this company, I had thought about a tiring and boring life awaiting me, but I had come to discover otherwise.

To celebrate my first month of work, me and my sister as well as Minji, from which I had gotten very close through these past weeks, and from which I had learned so much, were heading to a nightclub.

It felt so good having a friend and someone to talk to again, a feeling that had left me a long time ago, but that had come back thanks to this wonderful human being that had so easily entered my life, and I was so thankful.

All three of us were dressed very nicely. I was wearing a tight night blue sparkly dress that perfectly highlighted my curves. Yes, indeed it was beautiful, but it was certainly not a thing I would usually wear, as my sister had given me this dress especially for this occasion. But I had thanked her, as it was a kind move and I had nothing else good to wear for such an occasion.

Only the thought of the three of us having fun at a club, place I had never been at before, had me smile momentarily. Such a simple thing had me so happy inside as a wave of warmess took over my heart. It was like a girl's night out, thing I had never experienced, not even with my sister.

All I wanted to do tonight, was enjoy this very precious time with these precious people that was given to me, without having to think about work or anything else.

We had all entered the club, leaving our phones to the guard at the entrance as it was unauthorized. And, as soon as we had arrived, Sumin had cheered us to go dance as the song passing was her favorite.

Minji and I had followed her of course, as this was supposed to be a night where we would all have fun together. As I tried getting through people to be able to go and join Sumin that had managed to get there faster than us, I had realised that Minji was no longer next to me. I looked around, desperate, for a sign of her, but she was nowhere to be seen. I could see neither Sumin or Minji, as the club was filled with people and as there was not much light. I had thought of calling them of course, but remembered we had left our phones at the entrance.

As I was left alone, my heart was hammering in my chest. My body felt numb and a very uneasy feeling started to grow, as it had made me very uncomfortable. Panic surged through me as it seized my brain, and my stomach started to clench. My breath had started becoming heavier and heavier, as that showed how my anxiety and fear was increasing.

I was left alone, once again. As it was not new to me, I had thought that such a thing happening again would not hurt me, as my sister had kept on telling me what didn't kill me would make me stronger, and as much as I tried to believe that, persuading myself she was right, the fear of being left alone with no one beside me devoured me each time, leaving nothing else but this hope I have always had.

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