~Chapter 7~

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My head was strangely hurting like hell, as my heavy eyes were having difficulty opening. After some time struggling to open my eyes, I finally managed looking around me, recognizing the small room I had woken up in, as I noticed I was at home, in my bed.

But how did I get here?

I asked myself, as I was forcefully searching in the back of my memories, trying to remember last night's scene. The last thing I remembered was searching for my sister and Minji in a night club, and not being able to find them, had left me with a wave of sadness enveloping me, fear eating up each and every part of my soul, as I was left alone once again. Only the thought of this fear creeping in me again had shivers roll down my back, as this was the last thing I wanted to think of.

I forced myself to pull myself up, as my headache started getting worse, as it was sharp and stabbing, having me instantly lay back down, not wanting to feel that pain any further.

- "SUMIN!!!!" I called out, loud enough for her to hear me, but not too loud to worsen my headache. Leaning my ear towards the door, to desperately hear a sign of her, quick footsteps were approaching my door, hurriedly entering my room, as Sumin got on her knees to be placed on the floor, having her and me at the same level, as I was laying in bed.

- "Finally, you woke up. I was so worried about you, are you okay?" she asked, having a worried expression take over her face, looking in my eyes, impatiently waiting for a response.

I was so glad she was beside me anew, the feeling of her warmess retrieving it's way back to me, as I feared not seeing her again after yesterday. Yes, it was foolish of me to think like that, but I had been so broken over the past years. I had learned that a promise was never truly kept by some people, like Jimin had did to me in the past. How could I trust anyone after my weak and untrustworthy heart. Yes, it was certainly my sister, and I truly trusted her, but in the bottom of my heart, there was always this fear and instability, having never left me from my youngest age.

- "My head hurts a bit, and I can't quite remember how I got here," I responded, having came back from my trail of thoughts.

- "Just stay in bed, and stay home for today, i'll call your work and tell them you can't come," she told me, before getting up, and walking out the door. Why wouldn't she respond my question? Was it her who brought me here? I didn't know, and what happened last night after I was left alone? Everything was black after, I really had tried to recall last night's events, but my mind did not seem to want to cooperate with me.

I left out a sigh, as I slowly massaged my templates, not being able manage all those questions that had surfaced in my mind, followed by the horrible headache that was already weighing on my head.

- "Y/N, i'm coming, don't get out of bed." The voice of Sumin having reached my ears, I carefully tilted my head towards the door, soon after hearing her footsteps approach my room and my bed, placing for me a small pill, and a glass of water on my nightstand.

- "Take this, and take some more rest. You'll feel better. And call me if you need anything else ok?" she said, as I casually nodded in response,  her having stepped out a while after. I drank the pill, and took the suggestion of my sister, as I laid back in my bed, turning to the side I was most comfortable sleeping in. But my thoughts did not want to free me, leaving me in a confused state. I wanted to know, my curiosity having once again pushed itself in. But I did not want it back, as it had not benefited me last time it had pushed me to fulfill my eagerness, as I now had to wake up at 4 and a half in the morning to work for a man I had nothing to do with originally. But, at the moment, I couldn't push this thirst of knowing. I once again sighed angrily, not being able to control the urge to know.

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