~Chapter 15~

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Never have I thought he would be back. Why was he suddenly coming back, as we had agreed on everything years ago? And that's when it hit me.


It's because he was back, that Y/N was in danger again. I knew it was a bad idea to let her stay in that company, the moment I had realized he was working there, the night he had brought Y/N home from that night club.

I should have persuaded her to stop working there, but I did nothing. I had thought all of this would have been in the past, forgotten, but he was still keeping an eye on each of us.

She was once again in danger, and I was seeing nothing good happening with her around Jimin. If she continued working there, I would lose her...forever.

I have to talk to Jimin...


Y/N was still sound asleep, as I made my way out of the house this early in the morning, wanting to urgently talk to Jimin about all this.

Once I arrived, I immediately made my way to the elevator, hastily joining the correct office in which he was suppose to be, since he supposedly worked early in the morning. And fortunately, he was there, lazily working in his chair, as his eyes were now glued on my figure with confusion plastered all over his slim face of his.

- "What in the world are you doing here? Is it again to persuade me to talk to Y/N, cause if it is then—"

- "No it's not, I promise, this is urgent, and I need you to hear me out. Y/N is in danger..."

As I cut him off, his annoyed expression quickly changed to a worried one as he made his way in my direction waiting to hear the rest.

- "He...he's back..." I managed to whisper in a terrified tone, as it felt like I was being brought back to the past.


Jimin kept on harshly and impatiently shaking my body, as his hands were placed on each of my shoulders, waiting for my answer. But those words weakly being pronounced by Jimin, were barely audible for me to hear as I was brought back to my horrific past, the one I had been trying to forget my whole life, as if it had never even existed.

I hated this feeling, the feeling of having to endure everything all over again, having to remember his face, that I once loved so much. That once I used to enjoy seeing, with a smile plastered on it, as we used to happily play together. Until the day he...betrayed me...

Knowing he was back, back for 'revenge' he used to call it, back putting my sister in danger, the same way she had been those past years.

As I looked blankly at the floor, my eyes reflecting how worried and scared I was, but at the same time the disgust I had for the person that had for so long brought us this pain, I drifted back to reality, having a hard time moving my quivering lips.

- "M-my b-b-brother...he's back." I finally managed to utter.

My body instantly fell to the ground when I felt Jimin's hands slowly make their way back to him, as they balled into tight fists, ready to punch anything around him. He was firing inside, and filled with rage. The only thought of this person was enough for him to start a war. He was disgusted by him, he hated him, he felt an infinite loathing towards him.

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