~Chapter 5~

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I hurried back to Mr Lee's office, quickly looking at the time. It was nearly six, so I got back out, and calmly waited for him in front of his office door. As I could here footsteps approaching, I knew it was him, and swiftly reviewed what I had read about the files in my head, verifying if I had not forgot anything after my minor breakdown. Fortunately, each and every word were still imprinted in my mind.

Luckily you remembered everything Y/N. Just forget what happened in the office, you didn't cry and everything is fine. Focus on WORK.

I thought to myself, trying to forget the memories followed by pain that had emerged. If I was able to hide these thoughts before, than I could for sure do it again. I just needed to stay focused on work, and everything would be just fine.

As Mr Lee was approaching, I straightened my posture, and then, he looked at me, with a rather surprised face. I think the fact of me arriving this early had shocked him, but hopefully, he now thought of me differently.

- "Miss Kim. I am surprised seeing you here at this time. What has gotten into you? I see you have taken my precious words from yesterday into consideration and you are willing to give it your all for this job. If so, I am very pleased. Continue like this, and your own words saying you will be one of the best secretaries I have ever had will eventually become a reality," he said, smiling widely, which had me scream of pleasure inside. Finally, the fact of me taking the wrong phone and arriving early had benefited me. I was right, today had started well, apart from what happened a few moments ago, but I said I had forgot that, so no worries starting from now. I was finally ready to nail this second day, and I was going to show Mr Lee all I had for him to discover.


- "So where do you want to go?" Minji asked me.

Minji had kindly invited me to go somewhere to eat after this tiring but successful day of work. Indeed, everything had gone well, just as I had thought. I had brought Mr Lee's coffee in time, I had done every work task he had given me, as I had completed them so skillfully. He had nothing to reproach me. I was simply perfect today. As Minji had seen me work so hard, because as usual, she had barely nothing to do, she had proposed to me to go out for a coffee, and I couldn't refuse such a nice offer coming from her.

- "I don't go out much so I don't really know good places. Take me where you want," I simply answered, as I truly didn't know much places. All these years, I mostly stayed in, not wanting to have many social interactions, as I didn't want to get hurt once again by someone who would leave me. Only the fact of someone I would start to care leave, broke me inside. I didn't want to experience such a thing a second time. So I stayed in my appartement, waiting for my dear sister, as I knew she would stay close to me my whole life. We were together no matter what, and that was enough for me, even though sometimes, I felt like talking to other people, but I always let that feeling aside.

- "Here we are, I'm sure you are gonna love it here," she told me. I had been thinking too much, and didn't realize where we were going.

We were standing in front of a small coffee shop, named J&M as it was inscribed on a small sign placed next to a red door, a bit worn out. It seemed like this shop had been here for quite some time. As there were two big windows on both sides of the door, we could distinctly see inside of the shop.

- "Shall we head in." I heard Minji say, as she gently opened the door, letting place for both of us to enter.

Once inside, I already felt comfy as it was a small but welcoming place. On the walls were placed many frames, all of different sizes, having family pictures in them. As I was looking at some of these pictures exposed on the walls, I could recognize one of the people that remained on one of the frames:

- "Minji, is that you?" I asked her, making sure if it was really her, and she simply nodded with her head low as a response, a bit embarrassed of the picture of her being quite small, which could be seen by anyone who was to come here.

- "My parents, Jaejoon and Mihee, own this coffee shop, that is why it is called J&M. I thought it would be nice to show you around, and of course taste the delicious coffee made here," she explained, having put a wide smile on her face, as seemed happy and excited of having invited me here. And I was just like her, happy having someone else than my sister to finally talk to and enjoy moments together, thing I did not have for a long time.

- "Here, sit down, I'll bring you something to drink, what would you like?"

- "May I have an iced americano please," I kindly responded, as I was craving for one right now. Just the thought of that nice coffee had me drooling. Just because of my deep seriousness towards work today, I did not have anything else than water to drink. And right now, all I thought of was a nice coffee to get me back on track, as I had woken up very early, not having slept much.

While Minji was making me an iced americano, thing I greatly appreciated from her, I was waiting for her, as I was looking at Sumin's phone, still wondering about the time that was wrong. As I knew her password, I went back to change her phone's time to to the right one. But still, something was strange. Maybe she was hiding something from me.

The thought of her hiding something from me was improbable though. We never hid anything between each other, as we were always there to listen to each other if we had things to talk about, wether it was good or bad. We were the only ones that could help each other through hard times, and the feeling of her actually hiding something from me broke my heart as she meant and will always mean so much to me.

- "Here you go, an iced americano, just as you asked!" Minji said, handing me over what I had ordered. As I looked at it, I was licking my lips, and with no further ado, as soon as it had attended my hands, I had already took a sip. And just as I thought, it was delicious. But there was this something in it that had made it even better than a simple iced americano.

- "If you're wondering what's in it, here, we always add some vanilla mixed with some caramel, so it can have a mix a flavors. This drink has never deceived any client. It's an original here," she told me, as if she had read in my mind. At that moment, I felt like we were destined to meet each other and become friends.

As for the drink, not only it tasted great, but we could feel the love that was put into it. I had seen the way Minji was making coffee, she was always smiling. It felt liked she loved to be here, to make coffee, to give people what they wanted, to feed them. I could see in her eyes the respect she had for people, she was such a good and caring person. If she was to help someone in need, even if it was a stranger to her, she would have done it with no further thinking. She was like water to dead plants. I could feel the good coming from her. And from then on, I knew that if we were to get closer, I would not have to be frightened of being left once again. I had total trust in her, even though I had just come to know her, but this time, my gut was telling me to not be afraid of trusting her. This gut feeling had only betrayed me once in my life, but I wanted to give it a second chance.

~To be continued~

Sorry if this chapter is a bit boring and short, I will do better for my next ones. Love you 💜💜💜



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