When i met her.

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" Conrad " "Conrad " my brother Connor said bringing me back down from my thoughts, I shook my head and composed myself, " sorry carry on"

It's her, the teacher I can't stop she's the most beautiful woman Iv ever laid my eyes on.

" as I was saying to you both, little Sebastian is the most caring  student Iv ever had, but he has moments.... Erm....... where he tells other students he will blow their f... heads off"

I laughed " I'm sorry what?"

Connor looked At me with glaring eyes, we both knew it was me he's learned that off, really it wasn't funny we didn't want Sebastian acting like a mafia members kid, some are ruthless even at Sebastian ripe  age of 5.

" sorry brother" I said putting my head down. Trying to hide my smirk.

" I'm so sorry.. miss Jenkins.. it won't happen again"
Connor said to the beautiful teacher, sending me a side glare. Oops that was a warning. " I will have a Firm talk with Seb, we both will.. won't we" connor nudges me again giving me the eye.

I roll my eyes putting my hands up in surrender " fine fine. I'm suppose to be the fun uncle" I joke with a slight smirk " yes we will speak to him.. miss Jenkins"

The teachers cheeks go a slight hint of pink as she looks my way, she brought her attention back to connor, " I'm sorry Mr Lanza.. can I ask you a personal question.. it's just Mother's Day is approaching and erm... well Iv never met Sebastians mother only yourself and your brother .. is she around.. I'm sorry if it's inappropriate.. it's just I don't want to cause any upset when we make cards and such"

Ouch, Sebastians mother was a touchy subject, she's not around it's not like she's dead, but she upped and left, leaving poor Seb when he was just 6 months old, obviously our men tracked her down but she didn't want any part in his or our lives so, we simply left her to it, myself mother father and the mafia helped connor with little Sebastian, she deserves to rot in hell.

I see connor tense and the mention of sebs mother.
" she's not around no.. she left. So please when talking about Mother's Day talk about his grandmother Rose, my mother. She's been like a mother to him"

She nods " very well, that's the end of our meeting. Thank you for taking the time to attend" she stands straightening her dress out and shakes both our hands, I hold hers a little longer and I could see she Visibly blushed, she can't resist my good looks and charm. We wave her off and exit the school to the car where Mark is waiting, " where to boss?"

"Home first mark, could you get Dante to get everything he can on Sofia Jenkins" I said as I looked at my watch, I noticed at my side Connor whip his head around as soon as I said her name.

" are you fucking stupid? My sons teacher? She looks like she'd attended church, oh yeah bring her into our life Conrad. What the fuck goes through your head?" Connor was angry his voice made sure I knew. He was seething.

I shrugged and smirked " she's gorgeous you can't deny it, I want to know her.. I'll keep this life from her, she'll think I'm some kind of gentleman, not the king of the city"

Connor laughed " are you serious? Shes innocent. She's hot, yes but come on Conrad you don't do relationships you just fuck and last time I checked, you was fucking Lola, if she found out wellll your pretty red headed teacher will be probably...headless, she cray cray"

" no more of this.. end of discussion" I side eyed connor well checking my phone, I seen him shake his head at me, Lola is just casual fuck, there's something about miss Jenkins i really like, and Sofia is a beautiful name, it fits her beautiful face.

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