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After she'd left I had to contact my father to sort out what's going on with Leon, that was a threat at the club, and well I don't take well to threats.

I contacted my father and arranged a meeting at my mansion with all the close mafia members.

Once that was arranged I headed to my office to wait for everyone to arrive, I couldn't help but wonder about sofia was I an arse for allowing Connor to drive them and not me? Iv got stuff to sort out nonetheless.

With my office door open Lola arrives first for the meeting, something tells me she wants to have her say about Sofia.

She sits at the table and stares at me, I look up from my laptop " what now Lola?"

She tilts her head to the side, "I might be the best sniper ever and a badass but I'm still not happy about this Sophie. She's a little too I don't know.. good for you, Erm a little churchy churchy " Lola laughs.

" first it's Sofia not Sophie, secondly you know we we're just a fling. I like Sofia as more then that. But Iv got other things to deal with right now"

She sighs " I know exactly what we was Conrad shes the wrong girl... but whatever boss"

Next Dante my father and Connor all walk in together, finally I don't want to listen to Lola going on.

" where's kane?" I asked looking between them, but they shrug.

Kane was my best friend and close mafia member, although good at his job he was a complete ladies man and always had a different girl.Iv not actually seen him for a few days.

Everyone takes their seats, my father and Dante both have files. My father begins talking about George, Leon's father.

" we need to do an investigation which iv already set up, George is not reachable Iv sent men over to see if they can locate him" my father said as he flips through the files in front of him.

A knock at the office door stops our Attention, Kane walks in big grin on his face "Sorry I'm late"

I send him daggers and follow his every move until he sits down. We Update him on the situation and carry on with the meeting.

" as your all aware Iv met a woman called Sofia. Now for whatever reason Leon sent a threat about her at my club, it wasn't a direct threat but we all know how a threat looks. She doesn't know about our life yet"

Lola laughs " she'll run away when she does. Just let this one go Conrad she's out of your depth I mean come on her ex is a cop for fuck sake"

My father looked At me and frowned " who is this Sofia? Why doesn't she know about the mafia son? You know this is dangerous and if she is targeted then she needs guards"

" she's sebs teacher " Connor added

I shot him a look, he didn't need to know that!

" Iv got guards outside her house, she ain't gonna suspect a thing. Sofia will know when I say she will know and not a minute before. I rule this mafia and what I do has nothing to do with any of you especially you Lola" I snap back as I look around the table.

" fresh meat I hear? " kane laughs.

" he needs to be careful she isn't used to this life. What if she tells her ex?" Connor says to my father

" now now boys. If my son is serious about this woman then we stick by him, you know Connor how your mother was just a air hostess when we met, so nothing to do with the mafia. Anyway so the thing with George is set up. Men are following sofia. Iv got some shipments from london to attend to with Dante and kane which will sort out next. Lola needs to be on stand by for the cocaine shipment last time was a blood bath when we was targeted" my father says as he continues to look through the file.

They talk amongst themselves as I start to text Sofia, I need to make sure she's ok and not suspicious about the suv packed across from her street.

" Conrad? Did you hear that?" My father asked

" hmm no what?" I kept my eyes on my phone as the little bubbles danced around as sofia typed.

" Elizabeth's tried to get back in contact"

Her name made something tick cause I immediately looked up " why?" I snapped.

Dante flicked through his file " she's been spotted in the area, we have been told she's wanting money and to see Sebastian"

" non! That woman gets nothing. If she steps foot near my house I'll have my men shoot her" I raise my voice " that woman left my nephew at 6 months old not only that but she fucked my brothers head up, Infact I'd give her money just to leave us alone"

I seen Connor put his head down, that woman was the love of this life. They were together right through teens, he nearly liked himself over some tart like fuck she's getting near. I'd had enough of this meeting now Iv said my important parts.

" ok well when the information comes back about George we can see what the next plan is. Iv got stuff to do"

Everyone nods and begins to leave, Lola stops and turns around to me " she's too honest for you. You know" and carried on walking out, I inhaled and signed, maybe that's what I need someone who has no involvement with the mafia.

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