The beach house

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~ Sofia~

We've ended up at a beach house, Scott and Violet are really hitting it off, I'm sat alone at a makeshift bar knocking back the vodkas, while ignoring the stares of men and woman as they dance around me.

A man with shoulder length brown hair and the biggest muscled arms Iv ever seen. he looked Samoan, I won't lie he was absolutely gorgeous came and sat bedside me, " bad night huh?" He asks

" bad day, bad month bad year even bad life" I sigh downing the rest of my vodka " how could you tell"

" well a beautiful woman like yourself downing drinks like the worlds ending giving all the couples 'dagger eyes' makes me know that it's about a man"

He made my heart race and palms sweaty, I don't know why he has this effect of me? I need to get away from him then again why? Conrad cheated on me with that slut lola. I can do what I want.

I knew I blushed at his words, I smiled " the names sofia . What's yours handsome?"

He cocked his head to the side and slightly smiled " the names Damien" he said as he rolled up his white shirt sleeves, god he was hot nicely tanned muscular arms bulging, " Nice to finally meet you Sofia" he winked at me and walked away, wait what? " hey! What did you mean finally?" I huffed that rude arse just really winked at me and walked away huh?

As I stumble up to try chase mr rude ass sexy man, Violet appears " having fun? I saw you with mr sexy hunk what happened?"

I rolled my eyes " fuck knows" I shake my head " I need to lay down, Iv drank way too much V. I don't even know where we are" I was starting to realise that maybe running off with a random stranger probably wasn't the best idea, I mean with Conrad's mafia life and people after me what if Scott is dangerous? Hmm maybe not I'd probably be dead by now.

" Scott's had a crazy idea. He's got a private Jet and wants us to fly with him to Hawaii tomorrow"

I drunkenly agree, I have a feeling I'll regret this tomorrow , Scott comes over and shows me to a bedroom, it's stunning I just can't shake the feeling somethings not right maybe it's the alcohol?

I lay in bed and I can hear the party slightly it's not too loud, now I'm lay here wide awake I bet Conrad's going crazy sending all his men to look for me, oh I don't give a shit he and Lola can get together now I'm done. At least Iv got my bank card, where's my cell? I don't remember having it, oh shit I guess I'll deal with that tomorrow. I close my eyes and I can hear male voices outside " Iv met the girl. Nobody knows who I am. Arrange that tomorrow. Then it's sorted" I heard the whisper, I was so tired I drifted off.

I woken up by movement on the bed, " earth quake" I shoot up shouting, there is Violet laughing her head off bouncing on the bed " earth quake ay?" Violet laughed even harder " are you still drink Sof?"

I sat up and rubbed my eyes " No idiot" I laughed " what time is it?"

" time for you to get up showered and dressed. Scott left you some clothes on the chair. Get ready and meet me outside we're flying today"

My head was sore, I felt poorly never have I ever drank so much, wait what? Flying? " where we going? We don't have passports I can't even find my cell Violet"

" we don't need them we're going on a private jet durrr. We don't have our phones sof Scott said we left them at the bar and we think someone's stolen them"

Great just great, no cell phones " I don't think it's a good idea to go Hawaii what if something happens? We have no phones V. You don't really know Scott he could be anyone"

V burst out laughing like it was the funniest thing I'd ever said " scott is harmless don't be silly. His dads rich so he has a jet. Don't be boring"

I rolled my eyes and dragged the clothes off the chair before heading into my en suit for a shower, daddy's rich? Well it's plausible I'm just being up tight Iv been this careful school teacher goody goody for too long, maybe I should live a little, I just hope me letting go doesn't end in disaster.

Once I'm ready I make my way back into the room Violet is sat on my bed waiting " we can't go for a few days so scott said we can stay here. You don't wanna go back to Conrad's do you sofia?"

I shook my head " no Violet I don't want to. Let's live in the moment. Stop thinking of the future the consequences and move on the moment let's have fun" I beamed smiling " I'm so ready to have fun V just one thing where are we?"

V jumped up and down excited " about time you had fun girl. This is Scotts fathers beach house. He's away on business that's why we can't fly anywhere for a few days his dads using the jet. Don't worry though we will have fun.. come " violet holds her hand out for me.

We ended up spending the next 3 days here, just me Violet and Scott I never seen that mr sexy man again, we had parties and spend the days lounging round playing card games, it was nice this was paradise white sand and clear blue sea so peaceful.

I was on a hammock reading a book, Violet was cooking everything was calm until scott came running in arms flapping " we need to leave now. Right now. Move It"

I sit up and looked around " no not yet I'm at the best part in my book" I lay back down, what is with this guy I'm not ready to move yet.

He came up to me and dragged me off the hammock by my wrist " get off your hurting me" I pulled my arm from my grasp he looked angry " what the hell is your problem?" I snapped

He looked around like he was looking for something, then I heard the sound of a helicopter " now get in the helicopter" he shouted waving a gun.

Next gun shots are heard which nearly hit me, Violet comes running screaming, scott throws us both on the helicopter and shoots back before I can even look we are in the air and Scott jumps in, still firing shots from the helicopter, I hear shouting and screaming but I can't make it out over the helicopter noise.

" who are you? Why are people shooting? you have a gun"

He ignores me and looks out the window. " put theses on" he puts headphone type things on our heads.

" answer me Scott"

" them men are after my fathers money. Now shut up and enjoy the ride"

Now I know he's lying " you know Conrad don't you? This is about him isn't it? Don't fucking lie to me scott Iv seen guns and violence around Conrad this is the same. Your part of a mafia arnt you?"

I turned to Violet and she's scared, she's softy crying I'm going to have to tell my best friend about my life, my boyfriends life.

He looked up at me rubbing his hand down his face shaking his head " this shouldn't of happened" that reply confirmed my fears , I think Iv been kidnapped.

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