Who could love a beast?

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" so he got the wedding invite?" I asked Kane who was fiddling his thumbs like he was nervous.

" yes boss. Alberto is at the Lanza mansion. They think someone will bring Sofia.. as a date I presume"

I roared laughing " my plans working wait until he sees she's the bride. I can't wait to get hold of him. This was the only way to lure him out of his house. Everyone knows their place?"

Lola grinned " do I get to kill the little bitch?"

My eyes shot back to her " nobody touches the girl. But me. You understand? Lola why are you even here?"

Lola sighed " I wanted to be the one to watch as she took her last breath. She took everything from me" lolas eyes were filled with jealousy, I can see why she's gorgeous I know she's technically my adopted sister but I never knew her, so it doesn't count there's no relation whatsoever.

I rolled my eyes, " this is my plan you follow my orders or fuck off" I barked, she jumped and backed down.

" why do you even want to do this?" Kane asked curiosity evident in his voice.

" What Sofia will inherit is rightfully mine. Alberto adopted me in guilt because he killed my mother. I want his empire. He wouldn't give it me. So by marrying his daughter and killing him I get it all" I sat back proud of myself for coming up with such a brilliant plan " the man doesn't leave the house these days so how can he run a mafia. Simples I'll take it from him" I grinned.

" as long as the girl dies. I'm happy" lola said as she walked out the room, kane shot her a look I know he doesn't want her dead, he's told me how he feels guilty for betraying her but not his family, Kane feels an outcast which what brought him to me, he was a sense of belonging working for me I suppose.

" I'll head back to the mansion, I Conrad will start asking questions, I know the plan. But Massimo please one thing. Don't kill Sofia she doesn't deserve to die over this, I won't allow Lola to touch her, but you I obviously have no control over"

I sat back in my chair " what makes her so special? Why should she live? I don't need her alive, do you?"

Kane rubbed the back of his neck " Sofia is the most honest caring person I don't want anything to happen to her, that's all she's done fuck all to me"

I laughed " do you fancy her? Don't talk soft. What do you think I should do to her once we're married? Make her fall in love with me? Let her go? Kill her? What? I'm open to suggestions I thought disposing of her was the better option. I'll no longer need her once my plans complete"

Kane shrugged " do what you want" and with that he walked out.

" kane. wait . Remember only my closest allies know who I really am. Everyone else knows me as Damien. Don't forget" he nodded and walked away.

He got me thinking What would I do with her? I haven't even thought that far, killing her was the better option, who would love me? The biggest beast I'm not capable of love not like I could force her or could I? She's undeniably gorgeous I wouldn't mind her on my arm maybe I could make her love me? I could give her a good life.

A knock at my door knocks me off from my thoughts " ahh Nurse Kim can I help you?" She stood there with a clipboard " I have some news about sofia. Here are her test results" nurse Kim said as she past me the file, what i read shocked me.

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