Happy ending.

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I'm sat happy on the grass in Hyde park London, watching my Husband play catch with our daughter Megan,it's been three years since we decided to move to England away from the mafia life, realising that Conrad was now wheelchair bound made me know that he needed me and I needed him, Mr and Mrs Lanza we were now.

Connor had taken over my fathers and Conrad's mafia both together, Sebastian comes to stay with us on the school breaks, I'm 6 months pregnant with twin boys luckily they won't have any part in the mafia now we left That world behind, our life is now perfect. I decided to try my hand at teaching in a British school, a high end private school in London it's different but I love it, working with privileged 5 year olds.

Violet sits down next to me cradling her 4 month old little boy Charlie, in a crazy turn of events Her and Dante got together after Anna left him, Dante decided he wanted to leave the mafia and now owns a high end club in London city, they are living a wonderful life here now.

I lost my best friend Mollie that horrible day, I'll never forget what happened and I don't think I'll ever forgive myself, that guilt will forever be on my shoulders she died saving me and Megan, that's why we named her Megan Mollie Lanza, a reminder that mollie is the reason we are alive.

Married life isn't always perfect, it's hard having Conrad in a wheelchair but we manage, he keeps busy managing our Hotel he bought, we live in a big one floor house so everything is on the level for him no stairs, we came into money when I found out Alberto was my father so we are comfortable and doing well. I can't wait to see what happens in our next chapter of life.

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