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" sit please Mollie"

Mollie looks at me suspicion all over her face, slowly sitting down.

" I know you've worked for Alberto askaban, he was a good friend of my fathers, is that how you escaped Leon with no help?"

She looked at me emotionless " I am a fully trained Mafia member yes, I no longer work for Alberto, I simply wanted a normal life and Bartending was my favourite normal thing to do, Leon is up to something, myself and Dante was trying to find out what. I was seeing how long it would take for you to figure that out" she smiled

It was Dante who told me about her, I was shocked since it wasn't in her file, I didn't even have a clue, although I was wondering how Leon let her go, which I see now he didn't she got away.

" I want to hire you. Dante has told me about you. I think you could help in protection for Sofia. As youll he aware she's got a Huge target on her head"

Mollie put her leg over her knee and sat back " the Target on Sofia's head is because of you, she's got your enemies after her, they know she's your weakness Conrad, and for that she's a walking deadman. She needs all the protecting she can get. I'm in yes I'll do it. She trusts me. She can't know about my past. She can just know I'm working for you to help protect her. That's it"

" I know. I fucked up, this is how my mother died, and I'll be dammed if the same thing happens to Sofia, mollie I love her my life's been better since she came into it"

" Well you've got enough men to make sure nothing happens to her, work together and she'll be fine"

Connor comes bursting through the door " Conrad we've got one of Leon's men at the warehouse"
Connors eyes landed on mollie and he looked mortified.

" don't worry I'll fill you in let's go. Come on mollie"

I notice Connor scowl at mollie before carrying on out the door.

I explain to Connor as we walk to the car, Connor looks shocked " Alberto Askaban? Wow you must be good at what you do if you've worked for him. I'm shocked you pull off this naive slutty girl" Connor laughed.

Mollie turned round and punched him in the arm " yes that's the point douche bag, you see you had no idea about me, that's how good at my job I am" mollie grinned

" I'm just glad this annoying always horny girl is fake, god I hated her" Connor joked

" well the horny girl is real, what can I say I'm a horny woman" mollie laughed shrugging her shoulders

Connor stops at the car door with a disgusted look on his face " wait, so you was with Leon. Did you? Omg did you? Please tell me you didn't"

Mollie laughed " I did, had to be done. I didn't think he knew who I was but yes he does"

Connor was pretending to throw up " right Iv had enough. Let's go"

As we arrived at the warehouse in a secluded mountain range my men surrounded the area, " I should recognise him. Throw me in as a prisoner" mollie said sounding confident, I can't believe we didn't know this girl was from a mafia, I need to ask more questions about how Dante made the discovery, I can't help but wonder if Sofia's and Mollies friendship is real or assigned, maybe my mafia mind overthinking, who knows.

I nod at one of my guards who grabs mollie by the arms dragging her towards one of my cells in the warehouse, mollie as dramatic as ever is frantic shouting screaming 'let me go let me go' I did have to hide my smirk, this girl was funny.

My men had hidden a mic on mollie, hopefully we find out what we need to know.


My girl, My queenWhere stories live. Discover now