The men

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Im sitting at my desk while my class are on recess, I should be marking my students work, but I can't stop thinking about the past few weeks with Conrad, they have been amazing, although he does go quiet sometimes which makes me panic and think maybe he's bored of me?

As I look down at at one of my students work I realise the page has gone a little dark, I scowl until I hear someone clear their throat, I immediately look up and see a man dressed in all black, I quickly stand up " oh I'm so sorry. I'm miss Jenkins. Are you one of the new parents?" I hold my hand out to shake

He looks down at me through his sunglasses slightly " Ahh yes miss Sofia. It's lovely to finally meet you. Yes I'm looking for a place for my ..... son"

" great let me show you around" I smile.

I wont lie, something seems off about this man but maybe I'm looking into things too much. I show him around the school and when I'm finished I show him the exit, he thanks me and continues to walk before turning around " oh and miss Jenkins... Take care won't you" he grins.

Something about that man I don't know, he gives me the creeps.

after school I wave Seb off as his nanny picks him up, I shouldn't but Iv got a soft spot for him now, Although he's never seen me at his house and I don't think he knows I'm actually dating his uncle. I head home to my apartment which i now share with mollie, I keep seeing the same car across the street with blacked out windows, I shrug maybe my neighbours got a new car.

As I fumble with my keys to open the door juggling my mounds of school work mollie opens the door sending me flying in, " get ready we're going out" mollie grins as I look her up and down I frown at her " what like that?" I chuckle, she's wearing the most sluttyist dress Iv ever seen her wear.

" errr yeah! It's lovers night At your lovers club and ermmmm I need some" mollie says as she pouts and fluffs her hair up in the mirror and pushing her boobs up winking at herself.

I roll my eyes " fine but I'm choosing what I wear"

Mollie folds her arms and taps her foot" I don't think so lady. It's masquerade lovers night and we are dressing sexy"

I gave her a look so she puts her arms up in surrender " ok ok I'll keep it modest. Iv got a Sexy red slit dress for you. I'm keeping this sexy white dress on tho. Mm I'll get loads of attention" mollie grins

 Mm I'll get loads of attention" mollie grins

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 We both do our hair and make up and head to Connor and Conrad's club

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We both do our hair and make up and head to Connor and Conrad's club. I lied to Conrad told him I was at home tonight I hope I don't bump into him at his club, he said he had business to deal with tonight.

As we enter the club the music is booming and it's a little dark with artificial fog all around. We head to the bar and order some drinks, it's a different barman to the one from last time, Mollie as usual orders the Shots plus cocktails.

We manage to sit on the stools when the bodies around us finally moved to the dance floor, it was exciting not being able to see anyone's face, two males came to our side I'm sure I noticed the tall dark haired one but couldn't quite make him out. They both bought us some drinks and immediately Mollie was swooning over the dark haired one.

" do you want to dance beautiful?" The other shouts over the music

" erm I think I'm going to go toilet"

I push myself through the crowed to the far end of the club, there's a queue to the toilet so I pull out my phone and immediately see miss calls and texts from Conrad asking where I am, I text back that I'm at home with mollie having a take away and that I'll he going to bed soon, the service in here is rubbish.

My phone vibrates and my heart sinks At the text message from Conrad " I know your lying"

How does he know? Shit why did I even lie to him? Maybe because he wants to know where I am 24/7 and it gets bloody Annoying.

I turn my phone off and put it in my handbag. I head back to the bar and down some shots, I see Mollie is all over this guy snogging his face off.

It seems like we're in a time warp, the time is going fast and I need some fresh air so I head outside and take my masquerade mask off. There's a few people outside smoking. A guy puts his hand on my arse and whispers " hey gorgeous you horny?" He sways from side to side trying to run his hand up my leg, before I can react the mans arms being bent back " this is really at home Sofia!" Conrad shouts as he bends the guys arm back even more " leave now. Don't go round touching girls like that" he says through clenched teeth. He throws the man before turning to me " you could of been in danger. I told you I knew you was lying"

I stumble slightly " sorry it's just.. sometimes wanting to know where I am 24/7 is.. suffocating"

Conrad looks taken back by this " well I need to know your safe. Where is mollie?" Conrad asked as he looked outside " why isn't she with you. Sofia?"

"She's inside getting her flirt on"

Connor comes nearly running outside, he whispers something into Conrad ear. " sofia who were them men you were both talking to?" Conrad asked irritation evident

I shrug " I have no idea they bought us drinks. Why?"

" mollies left with them"

" so? She's probably taken them home or gone to their house. It's what she does" I really didn't see the issue here.

Connor and Conrad talk amongst themselves quietly and Connor runs off speaking into his earpiece which Iv never noticed him have before.

" we're leaving.. now"

" but but" I tried to say but Conrad dragged me by my arm lead me to the car opened the door helped me in and fastened my seatbelt " hi Dante.. again" I smiled. Conrad spoke to Dante all I heard was cctv men and something about guards.

Conrad got in next to me " Conrad what's going on?"

He looked at me and pulled his phone out " nothing. Don't worry. Mansion first I want to drop Sofia off" he said to Dante who was driving

" drop me off? Why? Conrad I don't want to go home"

" your going home now. Where I know your safe now don't argue Sofia"

I signed and folded my arms, this man can be bossy at times he's like a bloody woman.

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