The club

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When we arrived At our club we were given information that a male was waiting for us in our office, I made sure sofia was safe and made my way with my men surrounding and Connor, if I knew someone was waiting I'd of never brought her here.

Dante entered first with me, Leon my fathers alies son from another mafia, the fuck does he want?
Nonthemsss I kept my hand on my gun although an Ally you can never be too sure.

I raised my eyebrow " what's up young one?" I asked him with curiosity.

He sat down " come on Conrad, I'm not much younger than you. And my father sent me"

I pulled my gun out and aimed it at him " what the fuck is going on Leon?"

" I wouldn't do that. I have your club surrounded. Now now put the gun away I come in peace, you know Conrad not everyone is out to get you, but if I was Allowed you'd be very much dead.. buttt our fathers being Allies means I can't"

He's right, it's mafia laws although he hates me because his sister Alicia, was killed when they were aiming for me, but you can't kill an ally, it's not my fault she was in the way of me.

" cut the shit Leon. Why are you here?" Connor jumped in " Iv had enough of you. There's a pretty girl waiting for me"

Leon was on his phone before looking up and putting it away in his pocket, " well it seems you've brought two lovely girls here tonight. The gorgeous red headed one. Sofia isn't it?" Leon smirked

" what the fuck do you want?" I raised my voice now this fucker is pissing me off.

He sat back in his chair laughing " good to know you've got something precious.. anyway Iv come to bring this new contract from my father about the shipment, it seems he feels he should own 60% and you 40%"

He put the contract on the table and slid it over.

" don't be so fucking stupid! Im not having that low of a cut, it doesn't work like that. It's either 50/50 or I cut the contract. And why couldn't you father do this? I'll be contacting him myself and not the... lapdog " i smirked.

He seemed silent for a few moments before tilting his head and finally saying " my fathers dying.. youll he dealing with me.. I ain't no lapdog.. I'll be the king of my fucking mafia. Get it right, so show me some respect or say goodbye to our alliance"

I laughed " you couldn't run a bath never mind a mafia. Now get that at 50/50 or it's a no go.. give our condolences to your father. This meeting ends now." I turn to my guards " gentleman please see this man out"

As I'm walking away I hear Leon shouting stuff I didn't quite make out, Iv no time for his silly games I don't want to deal with him.

I tell Dante to ask my father to contact Leon's father and find out what's going on before making my way back to Sofia at the bar, I watch her as she spins on that barstool sipping a cocktail from the straw, she's laughing with mollie, Sofia really is magnificent.

" having fun girls?" I said as I stood between them

" I missed you" she pulled me in closer to her, I could smell the Alcohol on her breath.

" how much had she had to drink? I ask my barman

" a lot. Mollies been behind the bar taking stuff. I tried to stop her.. but that ones a handful". He laughed.

Sofia tries to stand but sways she nearly falls so i steady her. I call for Dante to bring the car so I pick her up bridal style and carry her to the car, she looks up at me and smiles " where you taking me? Gorgeous human"

I can't help but smile, I hope a drunk mouth speaks a sober heart, she finds me gorgeous.

I look back and see mollie is arguing with Connor, I put her in fasten her seatbelt and tell Dante to wait a minute.

I head over to Connor " what's going on you two?"

" he won't let me stay! There's fittys in there I want a bang. Im horny and this pussy won't satisfy itself!" Mollie shouts and stamps her foot down like a child.

I burst out laughing " that's hilarious.. I'm sure Connor will give you a good seeing too. Come back to ours I'm taking Sofia "

"Wait what? Hell no she's drunk and annoying as hell" Connor speaks up

I give him a glare, "we need to make sure she's ok sofia would never forgot me if we left her"

We both take her by the arms and lead her to the car, Connor shoves her in then climbs in next to her.

" home Dante please "

Mollie sits there with a pout glaring at Connor, I'm pretty sure them two hate each other, I smirk and say " I'm sure you two can have hateful arguing sex ay" I laughed

" not funny brother"

Mollie rolled her eyes " as if I'd go near him" she folds her arms across her chest and glares between me and Connor.

I can tell these two will have a love hate relationship.

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