About her

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Once at home I head to my office, I need to catch up on some work at the club, I own a few but my hottest is the strip club, no it's not a sleazy place it's an establishment for rich elites and businessmen to throw their cash at my beautiful girls, it brings in a lot of money i pay my girls well, so my prices are high but I offer the best services with incredible Bourbon.

As I'm checking over the latest intake of money, I do have people for this but I always like to go over it myself to check for mistakes or money being taken . connor barges in, I look up from my laptop and take off my glasses.

" you look dashing when you've got your specs on. Connor laughs sitting down and throwing his feet on my desk like he owns the place.

I lean back in my chair and glare at him " con you might be my brother but treat my office with respect. Get your god Damn size 13s off my desk"

He laughs " jeez bro. You love this desk more than me"

I couldn't help but chuckle back, I probably do yes. " so what's up?"

He throws a file on my desk " Dante give me this. I wanted to be here when you realise that she's a lesbian or she's married" connor says with a cheeky grin.

I shake my head and laugh while picking the file up " have you read it?"

Connor shakes his head and moves in hand in a hurry up motion, i guess he couldn't take the Anticipation.

Opening the file I couldn't help but feel a little nervous, what if she's a lesbian? Not that it matters sexuality doesn't bother me, but if she's a lesbian she won't be interested in me.

Scanning over the file.

Sofia Louisa Jenkins
American, born in Oxford, london England moved to New York when 6 years old.
Job: kindergarten elementary teacher, at New York private school.
Children: none

Hangs out at bar 55 every night, bestfriend Mollie Konra is a bar maid.
Cell number - 555----
Address- 57 east drive ny
Sexual orientation: straight
Relationship: single
Last relationship with Martin rodes, NYPD

Excitement filled me up when I realised she was single, her ex was a cop no issue there though.

" well?"

He grinned at him" well she's straight and single. Also fancy a night out?"

Connor frowned " since when do we have time for nights out?.. also hell yeah. Where?"

" since Dante is sorting everything out for the mafia. Tonight they can do without us for a few hours . Tell the nanny to have Sebastian, mother isn't back from london until next week"

We can have a night off, I want to find her 'accidentally'

" let me go get changed and speak to Charlotte I gave her The night off but I'm sure she will look after Seb"

I waved him off while checking my phone over, I noticed he didn't shut the door, before I could react I had hands wrapped around my neck " oooh why so tense, big boy" her smell hit me it was Lola, shit I tensed up but soon quickly relaxed.

I removed her arms and stepped past her " I'm busy tonight... out" I pointed to the door.

She worked for me so this would be difficult, I don't want to lose her she's the best sniper Iv ever seen, she can't go mad she knew all we were was casual.

" oh yeah? Last I heard your going out and Dante's in charge" she said with a huff as she threw herself into my chair swizzling the chair from side to side while trying to give me the 'come to bed' eyes.

I rolled my eyes " yes I'm going out.. I'm busy. Lola what do you want?"

She spread her legs and laughed " to fuck"

I grabbed my coat off the rack and opened the door " Lola leave.. go fuck someone else"

She looked taken back her eyes looked at me and surprise " ouch.. Conrad.. so harsh" she walked towards and trailed her finger right across my chest, I won't lie this did make me hard, But I shake it off I want to know Sofia, so I bat her finger away and frown at her shoving her out the door, " I'll see you later Lola" and with that I made my way downstairs to wait for connor.

I sat there at the kitchen island with Maria our cook and Dante's wife Anna, " how are you ladies?"

" tired" anna replies

" ahh yes nearly time for baby Dante to make an appearance" I grinned taking a sip of my water.

Lola comes bouncing in " when are we going to have a mini Conrad?"

I spit my water out, but Lola looks at me and bursts out laughing " I'm joking. Jeeze you should of seen your face"

I looked at her and rolled my eyes " no mini mafia kids for me Iv got my little Seb, I'll stick to being an uncle thanks"

" right I'm ready" connor walks in fastening his coat, thank god this was getting awkward.

" marks got the car ready. Let's go" I say to connor and we make our way to the car.

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