Lets go

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" that text was not from sofia, or was it? She thinks I kissed lola maybe it was from her? She's been gone ages now maybe she doesn't want to be found" I sat at my desk with my feet, my men we're out following every lead of sofia, but it's like she's vanished, Massimo is good he's good because nobody knows who he is, and that's the problem.

Kane comes walking in waving an envelope " where the fuck have you been Kane? It's been weeks Sofia Is missing and you've been what where? Fucking girls?" I shout

" no Iv been trying to find sofia. No luck yet. This came for you" Kane grinned.

I opened the Envelope it read

The Lanza family are invited to the wedding of Damien and Alexandra
This Saturday
Villa Paradise 335
Starlight crescent
Las Vegas
Everyone who's someone will be attending.

I threw the invite across the room " never heard of them. Why would I go to a wedding when my baby girl is missing"

" let's go. Brother someone could turn up with Sofia. It's a perfect plan, it reads everyone who's someone will be there. Massimo would attend. Let's go then when it's over. Things can go back to normal" Connor said

Ah yes my little nephew can come home, I can marry Sofia, " let's go. Update mollie and Dante we will meet for a brief plan. Let's find Sofia bring her home"

Where the fuck is my girl? We have looked everywhere how can someone hide her this long without my men finding her? Iv failed her how come me the mafia leader cannot find someone? What type of leader does that make me? She's been kidnapped maybe she's dead and all this time maybe shes been preying I find her and I haven't, these thoughts were no good I needed to get away while my men work round the clock to find her, could I of done more? I don't know but when I find her the bastard who took her will wish he never did.

I decide to hop on a helicopter with Connor and go see Sebastian, I need to see my little dude take my head away from Sofia, I will find her but it's making me ill i need to see my family.

After a few hours of talking with my father coming up with a plan, alberto bursts through the door " you fucked up Conrad. Where the fuck is my daughter? Iv had threats that if I don't go to this wedding tomorrow she's dead. Is this your sick joke?" Alberto and his men held guns to me and my father.

" nice to see you two buddy. This has nothing to do with my son. Massimo has Sofia. Put the guns down" my father calmly said, our men were on them like lightening, looking around the room it was like a shoot out would break out any minute.

" it's true Alberto. She was kidnapped we have been trying to find her ever since. Massimo is well we don't know what he looks like, nobody does"

Alberto instructed his men to lower their weapons " we have been trying to locate Massimo for a long time, I fear Sofia is in huge danger if he has her, Massimo is My adopted son I adopted him because I killed his mother by mistaken identity,he did something unforgivable in my family Iv not been able to track him for many many years. He wants my empire. We need to find her I have a feeling this wedding is something to do with her. We must go fully prepared"

This was a lot to take in, Sofia is the daughter of the most feared mafia leader " nobody even knew you had a child. Not even my father"

Alberto nodded " nobody did. Her mother got pregnant and we both decided if the baby was a girl they would move away from the mafia life and give her the option when she is older if she wants to take over, as you are aware boys don't get that choice. So we agreed nobody should know about her in order to protect her so they moved to England. It managed to protect her until now"

This made sense, but doesn't he know Sofia is a Twin? Dante is the rightful leader of his empire surely he wouldn't let their mother leave if he knew, I decided to ask " Alberto, forgive me if this is not something your aware of, but did you know Sofia is a twin?"

Alberto looked shocked, taken back even " what do you mean a twin? Her mother told me a single female no twin. Are you sure?"

My father stepped in before I could speak " please Alberto sit.. we recently found out that our best man Dante is Sofia's twin brother. From the information we gathered they were both split up at birth Sofia England and Dante America, this was to stop Dante from being in the Mafia, from you ever finding out. That was not meant to be as Dante as been in my mafia family since he was a teen. He was made for this. I believe he would make you proud. You also have a granddaughter Aurora he is married to a lovely lady called Anna"

Albertos eyes watered up he put his head in his hands and shook his head " I have a son? " his face turned to anger " I have a son!" He yelled. " how could she do this to me?" His breathing quickened but he quickly calmed down " I want to meet him" he finally said.

My girl, My queenWhere stories live. Discover now