The devils bullets

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I storm the hallway walking up and down, " who's done this Connor? They've used Dum Dum Bullets, I'll fucking kill them"

Connor run his hand through his hair " I don't know we're finding out. It's either Leon or"

" no not Leon. To have Dum Dum Bullets it's the gang in Italy" my father says walking in " Iv got men on it. Sofia will he revenged"

I pinched the bridge of my nose " she's got massively internal bleeding they've rushed her back down the theatre. I will kill anyone who's done this"

" my men are tracking down the Dum Dum Bullets. They leave the worse damage but are rare to find" my father said putting a reassuring hand on my shoulders " so it won't be hard to find who ordered them"

I listened to the voices of my men in my earpiece, shock ran through my core at what I'm being told, " father Chantelle and chez have been killed. If it wasn't for them we wouldn't of been able to get the gas contract"

My father shakes his head " that Gas line was always mine, everything done in Italy they knew what they were getting into, nonetheless they are part of the mafia. I will sort the funerals. They died at my expense"

This was getting serious, they knew who was involved with the operation, I decided to up security at the mansion in order to protect Sofia, the war is on now this is what they want, theyve declared that by attacking her at my own home, I won't settle to someone's dead for this, I just hope Sofia pulls through.

I finally see a doctor walking towards me " Mr Lanza, miss Jenkins has ruptured her wound we've had to take her back down to surgery, the bullets used on Miss Jenkins are made to cause as much damage as possible. This has been successful. I'm afraid we are going to have to put her in a induced coma for a few days for her body to recover. We will know more once she's Awake, perhaps go home and get some rest" the dr game me a reassuring smile and continued on with his work.

I thrown myself on the chair and out my head in my hands, I'm exhausted mentally and physically and I do need to rest " ok I'm going home to get showered and some sleep. Father can you stay with some men I want her room guarded at all times. Call me if any update. Connor come, we need to talk"

My father agreed and give our men the orders.

I felt numb from everything and I didn't know how to tell Connor about sebs mother in the basement, I decided the best way is to be honest with my brother, we are Mafia men we can take anything in our stride.

As we climbed into the back of the suv that Dante was driving I decided to close the window between the back seat and the drivers, so I could speak to Connor without Dante listening in.

"Before the attack, Darla turned up"

" the fuck Conrad? Why didn't you tell me Sebastians mom was here? Where the fuck is she? Do you think she's in on the attack?"

I'd did think Of that it wasn't impossible but I think it's unlikely, she might of walked out on him but she wouldn't being danger to his doorstep.

" no, she's not in on it. I wasn't sure what to do so she's in the basement . I can't have her confusing poor Sebastian"

" do you not think that's for me to decide Conrad? I am his father" Connor looked at me disgusted like I'd murdered her or something.

" I'm sorry brother. You can deal with her later you know where she is. I have this feeling the Italian gang are after Sofia for more then just what we did, I don't know why. How did they even know about her? " I looked at Connor who was now on his phone. " somethings not right"

" it'll get sorted. Sofia will be fine. Don't worry Conrad" Connor tired to give me a reassuring look but I could tell even he was worried about her.

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