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Mollie had been in the cell for over 3 hours it was now 4am and he hasn't said a word, I was getting impatient, I think it's time for the good old fashioned way.

I opened the cell dragged him up and threw him on a chair, pulled his top off and bound his arms and legs to the chair, he looked up at me and smile "do you think I'm stupid Conrad Lanza? This woman here is from askabans mafia. My lips are sealed. Just know Sofia will die like you killed Alicia " he laughed like it was the funniest thing he ever heard, I punched him right in the mouth sending blood everywhere and I think 1 or 2 teeth " don't ever let me hear you say her name"

By this point I saw mollie run at him with a machete slicing his stomach, the sound of him screaming echoed call around the warehouse. Next she threw salt with vodka next, his screams went louder and he pulled on the ropes " you fucking bitch I'll kill you " he screamed bucking in the chair.

Mollie then kicked him right in the face with full force causing him to fly back " we will see about that. Fucking dirty bastard" mollie spat on him and walked out .

" sit him up" I told my guards before walking out after mollie.

Mollie turned to me " my main priority is that girl, you came Into her life and now she's in unnecessary danger"

" is she your assignment?"

Mollie looked me dead in the eye " no she's my best friend and I'll always protect her, I should of stopped her from getting close to you, I thought if you had interest in her you might protect her"

" Mollie I am protecting her. Why do you think she's not allowed to leave the mansion? I love her, I'm pretty sure she feels the same. I'm sorry if she's been dragged into my own shit. We will sort it. For now I wanna get back to her before she wakes up"

Mollie looked at me deadpan and walked towards the car, she's right I did drag Sofia into this world and I'll do everything I can to protect her.

Once back home I head straight to my room all I wanna do is sleep and have Sofia by my side, I crept in and saw Sofia still in my bed, I did feel relieved she'd not gone back to her own room.

I climbed in and put my arms around her pulled her close to my chest, I felt her stiffen and then immediately relax, I nuzzled my neck into her hair " goodnight baby" I whispered, silence Maybe she's still annoyed with me?

My girl, My queenWhere stories live. Discover now