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I sat in my locked room with Massimos words echoing in my head marry me pretend we are together he couldn't give me a reason why, why a fake wedding? What's really going on? I have no idea I have no one to talk to they are keeping Violet and I separate I need her, I feel so alone, I know now that Lola planned to Kiss Conrad and he pushed her off, how could I be so stupid to think he'd go near her? I'm still processing the fact Kane has betrayed his own family, at what costs?

A knock at the door brings me from my thoughts " miss Sofia. Mr Greco requires your attendance at a mafia party. This is your dress and masquerade mask. here is your wig you are to be named Alexandra. No questions miss"

" wait what? Sorry who?"

" Mr Greco. Massimo dear child. Come on. The gentleman will be in to do your make up quick quick now" the woman said before closing the door behind her.

I remember the threats Massimo said about little Sebastian,omg Sebastian it hadn't sunk in what he said he's alive? I can't believe this I'm so happy my little man Is safe, I just need to do as I'm told to keep the people I love safe, hopefully I'm found before his plan plays out, but the memory of being told nobody knows who Massimo is plays out in my mind, maybe I'm trapped forever. The thought saddens me but still if I can protect the ones I love then I shall do whatever it takes.

The man comes in and does my make up " perfecto miss Alexandra. He is a lucky man" the man said with an Italian accent.

I looked in the mirror, who was I? The long black wig made me look really different nobody would recognise me, the dress was beautiful I won't deny that. Long blue sparkly dress.

Once the man left the room I heard the door lock once more, then I remember I'm a prisoner and this is no fairytale

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Once the man left the room I heard the door lock once more, then I remember I'm a prisoner and this is no fairytale.

The door unlocks and Massimo is stood there, why am I attracted to him? He is absolutely gorgeous I can't lie but I love Conrad and Massimo is a fucking monster I remind myself.

" you look absolutely stunning my dear Alexandra, the party everyone knows me as Damian and you are my Queen Alexandra. Understood?"

I looked at him and nodded, I was feeling a mix of emotions I was terrified of my future and what might happen, but also this man was sexy as hell I can't deny it he gives me a thrill but he's dangerous these feelings are because of his looks and I need to snap out of it.

As we enter the venue of the event, it's weird hearing everyone greet him has Damien, everyone comments on how stunning my dress is, Massimo makes up a story about how we met, I just smile and nod occasionally rub my thumb over his knuckles as we hold hands, I need to play this right to protect everyone, escaping as crossed my mind Infact that's what I'm going to try and do, I excuse myself for the ladies and Massimo grabs my wrist pulls me down and whispers In my ear a warning not to step out of line, I smile and pull my wrist out of his grasp.

Heading to the back of the venue pushing my way past people, I find myself down an empty corridor, I rush past and bump into a man " excuse me I'm looking for the exit I need some fresh air"

The man looked me up and down with a slight smile " yes come with me" I followed the man down a corridor and I seen the door for the exit, I pick up speed and notice the man is following me I push the door open relieved at the sight of the open, I kick my heels off and run it's then that I notice all that's around are fields and fields, I stop to catch my breath, when I heard the sound of a gun click " Sofia I thought we had an understanding?" My stomach dropped at the sound of Massimos voice, I turned around and looked him dead in the eye " I'm going home" before even thinking I took off running again.

I ran and ran until I'm rugby tackled to the ground " what the fuck did I say bitch? You listen and nobody gets hurt. Guess what this time the person who gets hurt is you" Massimo says through clenched teeth, I look up as Massimo pulls his arm back hitting me across the head with his gun, the pain instantly in my head made me feel dizzy then I noticed him coming for a second blow, that's when darkness came.

Waking up I'm chained to a wall, this time I'm not in a fancy bedroom no no, this looks like hell where am I? The sound of murmurs make me think maybe I'm in a cell? Basement with his captures?

I decide to shout " hello?" My voice echoes all around the room, then I hear a shuffle " hello? Lady?" A males gruff voice shouts back.

" who are you?" A decide to ask, before the person could reply I hear keys and a door unlocked, in walks Massimo with a grin " hello beautiful. Your down here as punishment. Running away from me. You will not not ruin my plan. We are getting married in two days. You will remain here until the day. Remember Sofia, you brought this on yourself" he then turned his back and walked back out. Fuck you, I thought myself, screw that arse hole. What the fuck was his plan?

I lay chained to the wall, thirsty and my stomach was growling at me for what felt like hours and hours ago, I guess now I'm just passed it and I can feel my energy draining away slowly, my body feels like it's giving up I don't know, then a thought entered my mind where is Violet? It she ok, I pull on the chains " hello? Hello. Massimo you bastard Answer me"

It was no use the more I pulled the more energy I used up, my head fell to the side and I slowly closed my eyes before a familiar voice woke me " stay awake sofia baby girl. I love you wake up"

I slowly lifted my head " Conrad? But how? How did you get in. Where am I?" My weak voice echoed around. But no reply, and my head fell back down through lack of energy, how long had I really been down here? " just stay awake sofia. Keep me in your mind" Conrad spoke again, but when I looked up Conrad wasn't here, I'm hallucinating.

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