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I rushed out my door once I realised Sofia had got up, it was only 8.30am but as soon as I reached downstairs I heard the sound of laughter, I stood at the kitchen door and listened it was Sofia Mollie and Anna, what was they doing? I knew Sofia and Anna had become good friends.

" make her shut up"

I turned round and noticed Lola stood there with her arms folded " why does she need to be here Conrad? She's too fucking loud"

I frowned " watch your fucking mouth Lola you jealous bitch. You don't have to be here but she does. Do us all a favour and go to training you know, where you suppose to be" Lola looked at me and rolled her eyes before walking off, that girl pissess me off.

I decided to walk into the kitchen and seen all 3 girls stood mixing and throwing flour, Sofia immediately stopped in my presence and frozen in place, I chuckled and put my arms around her " it's ok baby. Have fun. What are you making?"

Sofia relaxed when I noticed Anna give her a knowing smile.

" pancakes. Would you like some?" Sofia eventually beamed.

" I'd love some" I sat down at the island.

Once we all ate pancakes Mollie and Sofia headed off to get ready for the day leaving myself and Anna.

" Anna have you spoken to her yet?"

" yes Conrad. She'll come round she really cares about you. It's a lot of adjustments. She's gone from a quiet life teaching to this crazy life with you, she's agreed to continue teaching Seb here along side Charlotte"

Charlotte is sebs Nanny and personal tutor, but she agreed to let Sofia teach too, so she feels more at home.

" Sofia asked me if she'd be allowed out "

I dropped my glass of juice " absolutely fucking not Anna. It's too soon, too dangerous. Not yet anyway"

Anna nodded " I thought not. With Dante having today off I thought me and the girls could of gone to the mall. He's looking after baby Aurora" Anna give me these pleading eyes.

I signed " ok. I let you 3 go with my men, Mollie Is already one of my guards now anyway so she's extra help"

Anna jumped up and down clapping " Really?! Yay. I'll tell the girls and go get ready" Anna rushed off out the kitchen.

I didn't want Sofia going out, but Anna had not long given birth and she's never got on with anyone else in the Mansion, Lola is too horrible for friends and Charlotte doesn't live in the mansion but is the total opposite to her, A few of my men have live in girlfriends but they live on my employer side of the house and don't really see any of us, Dante is my bestfriend so he lives with us, so I feel sorry for Anna I couldn't say no, with my men with them they should be safe.

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