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Once I was back in my office I was even more furious to see a sheepish Lola and Connor sat waiting for me.

" the fuck was that Lola?" I was furious now how could she drop me in it like this with Sofia.

" she had to know Conrad. It's for the best"

I banged my hand on the table " the best for who. You? Iv just dropped a sobbing girl off at home because of the way you blurted it out! I had a fucking plan Lola" I screamed At her, she's a jealous tart.

" Conrad calm down, she'll come round" Connor tried to reassure me.

" will she? Cause you didn't see her Connor. Sofia was the best thing in my life.. and you fuck it up Lola and for what? To make your vindictive jealous ego better? Get the fuck out of my sight"

" but Italy?" Lola hesitated at the door

" I don't need you. Iv got another sniper sorted . Now fuck off Out my way"

She didn't say anything else, she left. Thank god that bitch has too much to say.

" make sure Sofia is kept safe while we're in Italy. I'll deal with her when we're back. We're meeting a few people there. Flick through that file it's all about them" I pass Connor the file " I'm going packing a few bits Shout Kane up brief him on Mollie he's staying trying to find her"

I couldn't deal with Sofia right now this deal-in Italy needs sorting, Iv got men all over the Apartment, she doesn't know it but the phone I gave her tracks her, so I'll know where she is at all times, I'm preying she accepts me and the mafia, that woman is amazing.

Once I was sorted and packed for Italy I made my way to the car where Connor was waiting with Dante, " ready boss?" Dante said before hoping into the car.

I nodded and climbed inside looking around as my men jumped into separate cars, " is the jet ready?" I asked Connor as I checked over my weapons.

" ye, all clear to go....Conrad?"

I looked up when I realised him saying my name at the end was going to be a question.

" what's the plan if something goes wrong?"

" you looked though the file, yes?" I asked him raising an eyebrow

He nodded.

" well then you'll know these are the most brutal people you'll ever meet. You'll know what to do Connor, your trained. You might be my younger brother but you've been trained the same as me, don't worry I know this is your first big deal in Italy but you'll be fine "

He put his head down " it's just.. Sebs mother. Got my head all fucked up" he looked concerned for a minute before changing his face to a unreadable one, good thats part of his training.

" look Connor, remember your training. Iv got sofia in my head but Iv got this job That needs my 100% focus on. So remember when you've been taught and you'll be fine. Emotions cannot he shown Connor, under any circumstances, remember that"

He nodded but continuing to look out the window, i hope my brothers heads in this 100% we can't have any mistakes.

Once at the jet myself and Connor enter as my men pack the bags and Brief themselves " all done we're ready to go boss" Dante said as he told my men to take their seats, Dante Is my friend but also my men's leader, he's the best security personal Iv got, he does a lot for my mafia.

Once landed in Italy my Italian driver Alessandro meets us, taking our bags and opening the car door " nice to see you again Capo. Your Padre is at your apartment " (boss&Father). Alessandro speaks English although with a strong Italian accent.

Dante and my men leave in their separate cars while myself and Connor ride with Alessandro.

Everything is in silence then I feel the car going faster, Alessandro looks at me through the rear mirrors " we are being followed boss. Be ready"

I nod and signalled to Connor to so that he knows to he ready Incase of an attack, I look back and realise it's two people on a motorbike the rider has a helmet on but the one at the back doesn't, long blonde hair flows in the wind as the motorbike goes in and out of traffic trying to catch up to us, Alessandro is driving faster and faster down Italian side streets nearly running people over.

I see our apartment garage doors open ready, but just as we're about to pull in the motorbike takes over in front and pulls around and stops right in my garage, my men are quick to retaliate, but they all relax and one runs up to them grabbing them for a what? A hug? " who the fuck are they? " I'm confused as fuck right now.

Alessandro laughs " that's Chantelle the blonde one your new sniper, crazy chick and that's chez the boyfriend the hitman"

" crazy is an understatement they would of got shot. It's a good job my men recognise them"

As I climb out I make my way over to them, the blonde laughs and holds her hand out " Chantelle, sorry for the crazy introduction. Chez here thought it would be funny" Chantelle hits chez on the back.

" sorry boss. Blame the crazy blonde"

I laugh " great to meet you both. Next time I won't hesitate to shoot you both in the skull" I joke, or was I joking?

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