Food and cocktails

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It had been a week since Sebastians funeral, everyone was well I say 'pretending' to resume life back to normal but a sadness was still in the air, the mansion felt empty even though just on the other side of the wall it was bustling with the mafia members and people who work for Conrad.

I was sat in silence flickering through a magazine when I heard the irritating laugh of my best friend mollie, I peeked up to he greeted with a sight that not only shocked me but sickened me, i smiled rising an eyebrow at the scene Infront of me " when did this happen?"

Kane had his arm around Mollie while they were laughing and smiling together, it was nice to see her happy, Kane reminds me so much of Conrad I know their cousins but I swear they could be brothers.

Kane shrugged at me " I'm hot she's hot so why not? We work don't we babe even if you do snore" kane laughed and mollie playfully hit him on the arm.

" Iv been meaning to tell you but Iv been so busy with work I havnt had much chance to see you" mollie tried to explain

" Mol it's fine I know Conrad's had you at meetings and stuff with him so don't worry. We can all have a catch up when Violet flys over. Proper girls night on the town like the old days"

Mollie kind of stiffened at my words " erm I think a girls night IN would be best"

Here we go again I'm not a prisoner, it feels like I'm trapped here unable to do anything or go anywhere, me and Conrad are still not speaking it's awkward I just want to go back to normal, back to teaching back to my apartment, I know that life is no more and it's hard to accept it.

" I'm going out mollie. Wether Conrad likes it or not. The mafia has changed you. What happened to my party animal alcohol loving best friend? This isn't you mollie"

" maybe this has always been me Sofia! Maybe you don't know the real me at all" mollie says shouting at me.

" what's that suppose to mean? Anyway I'm going to my room" I stormed past her I'd had enough, this house this life has changed her my best friend was never like this.

I decided it was time to speak to Conrad, so I stomped to his office and banged on the door before pushing it open.

Conrad looked up " Sofia are you ok?" He stood up and came to my side " are you ready to talk? I just wanted to give you space"

" no!" I burst out crying " I feel like a prisoner. I can't do anything. Someone cooks for me they clean for me . Hell they even wanted to dress me until I told you no. I want to go home Conrad"

" Sofia.. I.. I'm sorry you can't go home. Your involved with me.. it's just not safe.. please"

He walked up to me, I didn't feel anger I felt numb like my life is being controlled I'm drowning and there's nothing I can do . He kissed me on the head " I love you sofia.. I need to know your safe"

I looked At him and walked out, that's it my life is controlled and ruled by a man I love. What more can I do? I head to my room but as I'm about to open the door mollie shouts me.

" please I'm sorry. Let's sneak out for lunch. Just us 2.Kane's give me the idea he's going to help us get out no guards no nothing. Just us, cocktails and food. Please bestie. I'm so sorry" mollie grinned at me.

"Ok! Yessss. Let me get ready I'll meet you downstairs"

Finally some outside time, gosh I really do sound like a prisoner.

Right now we're in the middle of summer, we're having a heat wave so I decide to choose a nice summer dress, nothing too fancy I want to be comfortable in this heat.

Once I'm dressed I meet mollie who's wearing something modest for a change, " well you look

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Once I'm dressed I meet mollie who's wearing something modest for a change, " well you look...covered up for a change" I laugh " oh you can see your gun. Best hide it" I winked " what happened to normal lunch date?"

" ay I still need to make sure your safe can't be totally irresponsible"

" so which SUV we taking?" I ask mollie who's looking at me very weird.

" we're not. Follow me"

I followed mollie into the underground garage, Iv never been in here there was lines and lines of cars parked up, luxury expensive ones from Lamborghinis to Bentleys.

Mollie stopped at a red Porsche " Kane said we can borrow this beauty. Hop in gorgeous I'll put the roof down"

I smiled " you really have done well. Thanks for this moll I felt like I was suffocating I needed breathing space"

" I know sof this is why we're doing this. Right let's go "

We drove around for a while driving through the country side with the sun on our faces and the wind blowing our hair, my blonde hair looking brighter by the sun flowing all in my face, I felt free. It was nice.

Mollie pulled down this country lane filled with vines " there's a nice tapas restaurant at the bottom of here"

We ate our food and drank cocktails,had a laugh and genuinely forgot about my new life.

" listen sof. I know this is the last thing you want to hear but do you think you should just accept your life with Conrad? You love him yes?"

I rolled my eyes this again " yes I do. But why should I accept being locked away?"

" sof your not locked away listen please"

" am I not? Then who's stood there? Pretty sure that's one of Conrad's men"

Mollie turned her head that fast I'm shocked it didn't snap " oh fuck Sofia. That is one of his men. And don't look now but there's Conrad and Dante"

I shake my head " how the fuck did they find us?"

" mollie are you stupid? Taking her out without my men"

I stood up and Conrad walked up to me " home now. Sofia I just want to protect you" he went to grab my arm but I moved it " no Conrad you went to control me. There's a difference"

" why is she so difficult!" I heard Conrad say under his breathe .

I barged past him and followed Dante to the car all I could hear was Conrad and mollie arguing.

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