1 | the new school year

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BEING A SECOND-YEAR high school student seemed intimidating. It was the last year before you have to actively start thinking about your future. Before you had to start thinking about universities and career paths. This year was, one could say, the last year during which they can sort-of relax.

Y/n was going to make this school year the greatest school year in her life.

There was a rumor going around since the end of the previous year that there was going to be a new teacher that year. Of course, there's new teachers every year, but they were talking about a specific teacher - a drama club teacher. A teacher who would want to assemble a group of theater kids and make their dreams of playing on a stage come to a reality, to some extend.

That was the thing Y/n was looking forward to the most.


The girl looked up from shoe locker and at her friend, giving her a wave. ''Hey, Y/n!''

Y/n opened her shoe locker - which happened to be right across from Hina - and changed her outdoor shoes for her indoor ones. "You ready to be a second-year? One step closer to adulthood!''

Hina laughed and shook her head. ''I'm definitely not. It feels just like yesterday that we were back in middle school.''

Y/n agreed. Time had started to pass so much quicker, it felt like her life was going at double speed. Though, that could be because she has a perception of time now, unlike when she was young and naive.

She hoped this year won't pass as quick.

''So, you heard about the new teacher?''

It was as if Y/n was waiting for Hina to bring up the topic.

''Yes, of course! I'm so excited, really, I can't wait to meet her! Do you think she'll do a theater play? A musical? Which one? Les Misérables? Or Romeo and Juliet? No, the school did Romeo and Juliet two years ago, that probably won't be it. God, so many possibilities!''

Hina laughed at her friend's enthusiasm. ''If you put that much effort in Biology, you wouldn't be failing it.''

Ah, yes. The cursed subject. ''It's not my fault the teacher doesn't like me.''

''Well, you did break one of his microscopes.''

''Shush, Hina. We're talking about acting here, not about microorganisms.''

The two laughed together as they walked down the hall, continuing to talk about what the new drama teacher could be like. Usually, they were old and boring, but according to rumors Hina had heard, this one was a young one.

"Hina-chan, wait up!''

The two girls turned around at the call, seeing Hina's boyfriend, Takemichi, waving at them as he walked alongside his friend. A friend Y/n didn't want to see today, tomorrow or ever again. Her smile immediately dropped at the sight of the blond, her eyes turning back to Hina.

It was too early to deal with this. Too early to see him. She didn't have the patience for that today. ''I'll meet you in class, yeah?'' Y/n didn't wait for an answer from Hina as she rushed away, not wanting to be anywhere near Takemichi's friend.

Chifuyu watched as she walked away from them - from him - gripping the strap of his backpack tightly. Hina, being Y/n's friend, semi-glared at Chifuyu. ''What're you doing here?''

He finally shifted his gaze away from Y/n, who finally rounded the corner and disappeared from his sight. ''I study here.''

''I meant why're you approaching Y/n.''

break a leg (not my heart) | matsuno chifuyu x fem!reader ✓Where stories live. Discover now